
I wish that

…I had more time to blog here and here, and even right here
…my new treadmill would arrive sooner than next week
…I hadn’t eaten so much gluten-y junk this past weekend, because I’m paying for it dearly!
…the chiweenie pup cared more about housebreaking, instead of breaking my house…
…my kids would wake up covered in magical good-behaviour/quiet-voice dust!!
…I had time to Zumba with my favorite people, and spend more zen time at my Bikram home
…someone would please come and rescue me from laundry purgatory, aka, our guest bedroom
…I was actually asleep right now, as much as I love being awake 😉

But really? All that is minor in light of everything I truly have in my life. For fun’s sake, though: what do you wish for tonight??

April’s challenge

I pondered aloud to Twitter last night about a new challenge. I love having little mini goals each month, be it going sugar-free, chopping my internet usage, or living without Starbucks. 

Yes, I am also the kind of person who fills notebooks with meaningless lists…

But whatever. I like having my little goals to focus on. They don’t need to turn into habits, or change my life forever. Sometimes, it’s just nice to have something manageable but challenging to work on.

The thing is, I’m pretty happy in my life right now. There’s not a lot I want to change or try. I’m very comfortable and satisfied, and it’s quite lovely after a year of drama…! So I decided that the best thing I can do for my next challenge is to keep taking care of myself, and when it boils down, there is one thing that I really need to be consistent about:


Not just being active, but actually training. I have a half marathon coming up in June, and while I’m halfway through my training, I have taken over 6 weeks off. Our Mexico trip threw me off course, and then I injured myself. I’m finally feeling good again, so it’s time to start training again! Back to walking, back to yoga, back to 5k runs and long runs. So here’s the challenge:

30 days of exercise

30 days. Like The 30-Day Shred, but not at all. Because, you know, I like to do things safely and properly…although truth be told, one of these months, I’m going to borrow that DVD from someone and actually try it from a professional viewpoint…but I digress.

30 days of structured activity, not just active living. EVERY day has to include one of the following:

  • 60 min walk
  • 5k run
  • Bikram yoga class, or
  • long run

Every day. Just like I was doing in November, December, January, February…

Every day.

Plus our daily walk to the mailbox, all the gardening that’s about to start, and the ballet class I teach. You know, the regular daily activity 😉

And my reward at the end of 30 days?? This:

image from Google images

A TRX Suspension Trainer. I’ve wanted one for years, but haven’t been able to justify spending $190. Thus, if I check off every day for 30 days, I am going to march my butt into Edmonton and buy myself one.

It will look so pretty next to the treadmill I’ve convinced Leith to let me buy with our tax refund dollars 😉

Freemotion 750. It has DECLINE options!