{30 days of truth}: Day one

Something I Hate About Myself: _uacct = “UA-4888259-1”;urchinTracker();

I’ve put off starting my 30 Days of Truth because the first topic is such a difficult one.  It isn’t difficult to come up with the answer; it’s writing out the answer that is difficult.
The thing I hate about myself is my anger.  My temper.  My lack of control.
I don’t know when I lost the ability to control my emotions.  I know that a large chunk of my short temper was uncovered by my husband.  Any boyfriend before him practiced the stony silence of emotions and didn’t push my buttons.  Leith pushed and pushed and pushed until I would snap, and it was a welcome change after years of swallowing my frustrations.  It was nice to be able to let go of everything and just be loud and mad!
Unfortunately, it was a Pandora’s box for me.  I’ve never regained that composure in my demeanour since then.  Of course, Leith and I have learned to deal with our differences in a much more mature, productive way and the last all-out screaming match was probably sometime around the end of the acreage renovation.  But since then, my bugz have grown into their father’s shoes.
I don’t blow up at Leith anymore (or rarely, at least…) but that anger and impatience has become a nasty habit in other areas of my life.  I feel like I am constantly on edge.  It’s like that awful feeling of wearing an itchy wool sweater.  Nothing feels good.  Every day compounds on the one before, so even when I am trying really hard to be my best, I rarely make it through my day without yelling about something.
It’s so awful; I hate it.  I hate that part of my personality so much.  What’s worse is that it is the behaviour I am modelling for my kids.  They play “angry” sometimes: I catch them growling at their toys and putting them in time outs.  It breaks my heart, and I vow to be gentler and try to see from their perspective more often.  The tricky thing is that I can see their perspective, but that part of my mind functions at the same time as the part that is losing its temper.  I can fully understand my reactions being wrong, but my instinct is thrashing mad.  
I’ve been making a bigger effort in the past few weeks (especially after reading Natasha’s post about gentle discipline), but I still find myself losing my temper daily.  I feel like I have no outlet when I am at home, around my triggers.  I need to be able to just walk out the door and run, but that isn’t an option when I’m the only one home.  I try and make up for it by spending quality time with my bugz: cuddling with them at night, snuggling on the couch, saying “yes” more than I say “no”…but some days I don’t think I’ve done enough to fix all the yelling they’ve heard in the past 3 years.
Don’t get me wrong: not all the yelling is directed at them.  Petey gets a lot of the yelling.  He truly is my arch-nemesis.  I hope that when Bailey comes to live with us, Petey realizes that cats will never be pets in our home.  Poor Petey!  A lot of the yelling is also just my frustrations coming out – temper tantrums at my frozen laptop or sticky floors or other malfunctioning material good.  
Temper tantrums … and I wonder where my bugz get it from 😦  This is the biggest reason that I hate myself for the anger.  They are learning it from me.  And their reactions make me angry.  It’s a vicious circle, and the only one with the maturity to fix it is me.
It’s on my shoulders to fix.  
Thankfully, Day 2 is something I love about myself…

Short n sweet

My bugz are sleeping in their own beds tonight – hooray! _uacct = “UA-4888259-1”;urchinTracker();

I am very sick, so this is a good thing.  I am also very lonely; thus, this is a bad thing 😦
I have 5 days left of “sugar-fasting” and it still sucks.  Granted, I am much more aware of my diet, but whoever said that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels?  Ya…um, they must not like chocolate.
The bugz’ attitude has levelled out a little bit in Leith’s absence.  I’m hoping the trend of (relatively) good behaviour lasts a bit longer!
We will be getting a new addition to our family next weekend.  Her name is Bailey:
I am so very excited to bring her into our home and hearts 🙂

And that is all for tonight!  Good night.

It’s been awhile…

How did I ever survive Leith’s long out-of-town work schedule before I had kids?? _uacct = “UA-4888259-1”;urchinTracker();

Oh, right: I didn’t have kids.
It’s been just over 24 hours since he left for a 2-3 week job north of Ft Nelson, BC.  I am staring longingly at the calendar, wondering if crossing the days off with big red “X”s would make the days fly by faster.  Probably not…

Babywearing: the only way to keep a tantum-filled C-boo calm last night…
Why can’t my bugz and I get along unsupervised?  They are the biggest temper-trigger I have, and I don’t want to spend the next 20 days in a constant state of flushed anger.  I am trying so hard to be patient and remember things from their perspective, but I am so tired of it.
Is it just their age, or is it just that there are two of them at the same age and stage?  I feel like one of them is always on the cusp of a meltdown over nothing.  And I know that it’s hard to be 3, and that they get frustrated easily and can’t express themselves.  And I know that I am modelling poor behaviour for them to learn from when I lose my patience and my temper.
We are caught in this endless cycle…I know that it has to come from me, but I can only seem to last so long before we reach a set back.  Once we hit that point, it all unravels so quickly and we are worse off than we started.
I want an answer.  I want a solution.  I want something that works on their level so that I can work on my level and fix this, so that we can survive somewhat peacefully for the next few weeks.  I have so much else on my mind right now that I need peace in my home.
I need peace in my home, regardless of the outside world of course!  But I don’t know how I can combat this emotional exhaustion and be a good parent all by myself.  All of my flaws are magnified when I don’t have Leith to hand off to.
Sorry for the doom-and-gloom post.  I’m feeling very overwhelmed right now.  I don’t want to be such an angry parent, and I don’t want my kids to grow up thinking that any of our behaviours are productive 😦

The ache

Ohhhh, the ache. _uacct = “UA-4888259-1”;urchinTracker();

You all know the one I’m talking about.  At least, my readers in the greater Edmonton area know what I’m talking about 😉
It’s April 22.  Earth Day.  Good Friday.  A day of celebration, both secular and religious; a weekend of new beginnings. 
And yet there is still several feet of snow outside my window.  I’m not even counting the mountains of snow on either side of the house where we shovelled snow off the roof multiple times this winter.  Even through the trees and across the yard, it’s there: snow, snow, snow.
Now, I love winter.  I love the peaceful calm and quiet.  At this stage in the game, though, I would give just about anything for some dull grey-brown muck of dead leaves and grass peeking through my yard.
I haven’t even had the heart to plan out my garden or start seedlings.  It just feels so hopeless.
Thus, I bought the Summer 2011 issue of BHG Do-It-Yourself magazine for inspiration!  Am I ever inspired!  I want to paint, strip, sand, repaint, decorate, print, glue, stick and nail everything I can get my grubby little hands on.  If I can’t dig in the dirt to grow and create, then I want to recreate my living space!!
My sunporch is begging for some paint and flooring.  I have a sideboard table that I’ve decided knees a bright yellow top and white legs.  I want to organize and build and rearrange everything.  I want to finally get a sewing machine because I have an inspiration for kitchen curtains!
True story – the sunshine that screams through our little kitchen window at dinnertime is blinding at this time of year.  Couple that with the snow reflecting that sunshine, and Leith and I have taken to wearing our sunglasses when we’re making dinner.  Yes, it’s that bad.
Someone keep me away from the home stores this weekend, or it’s going to empty my bank account…


  • good choices
  • fresh, homemade ricotta cheese
  • sunshine in the springtime
  • a body that survived a bunch of extra classes with very little soreness or pain – yay!
  • snuggly kisses
  • Mad Men 🙂
  • Vampire Diaries dates with Sherrie
  • seeing him smile while he tinkers with his new “toy” – a dirt bike…sigh…
  • all the new twins in our spring session, and getting to hold and carry a baby in class again
  • rest, in small snippets
  • listening to them play, with boundless imagination!
  • fresh food and 2 weeks sugar-free
  • best friends
  • fuzzy-footed pyjamas
  • 4-wheel drive in our spring snowstorms
  • my really, really, really high fat good Alfredo sauce
  • time to read before bed

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good luck _uacct = “UA-4888259-1”;urchinTracker();

                       i am proud of you
                                                              i love you
                       you can do this
be strong

90 minutes/9 shots

Remember when I said I was tired yesterday? _uacct = “UA-4888259-1”;urchinTracker();

Ya, that was nothing…
Last night, C-boo was a bear when I picked her and Kit-kat up from the day home.  I mean a bear: growly, whiny, unconsolable crying mess.  She was perfectly happy when I arrived, but in the 5 minutes it took to get coats zipped up and boots on she melted down.
This continued as we drove home and all through dinner.  She barely ate.  Bedtime couldn’t come fast enough!!!  I was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed by 8pm and sleep deeply until morning.  Alas, when I went to check on her, she was burning up.  I let my (still awake) Kit-kat crawl into my bed with the legion of Toy Story figurines while I scraped the last teaspoon of children’s Tylenol from the bottle for C-boo.
Imagine the next 6 hours as a haze of whimpering mixed without outraged screaming from C-boo, tangled in sweaty fleece pyjamas (not allowed to be removed, apparently…) under my feather duvet.  She insisted that she be pressed tightly against my overheated body as well, doubling the heat radiating off her skin.  She refused baths and cool cloths.  I managed to get her to take a Pedialyte freezer pop, providing a brief reprieve while Leith drove all the way to town to pick up more Tylenol before Safeway closed at 11pm.
In the blur of the night, I eventually offered to take my boo downstairs to watch Tangled.  All I could see when I closed my eyes was the 6 classes I had to teach [today].  From 2am to 5am, she sat raptly watching the screen in perfect blissful silence.  There were a few whimpers when I tried to nod off or pulled the blanket off her toes.  At the end of our second run-through, she was fast asleep.  I gently carried her into our guest bedroom and we slept from 5am to 6:30am. 
90 minutes of sleep.
She seemed fine all morning, and I haven’t heard from the day home.
Me, on the other hand?  I was nodding off while I drove to work through our lovely April blizzard, windows rolled down and air conditioning blasting to keep me awake.  I rolled through the Starbucks drive-thru for a triple-venti non-fat latte.  I made it through my first two classes and then hit up Starbucks for TWO more triple-shot lattes.
That’s 9 shots of espresso today, if you’re counting.
I survived my 3 preschool ballet classes.  I nearly had a heart attack when I thought Liesa wouldn’t make it in time to teach our Pilates class.  Now I only need to survive an hour of Fit Hop and the drive home.
I’m so tired that I feel nauseous.  I’m vibrating from the caffeine and operating on sheer will and a bit of auto-pilot.
I need to make it through 2 more hours.
Just 2 more hours.


So I challenged myself yesterday: I did 4 one-hour cardio dance classes.  3 of them were back-to-back.  HAWT Salsa Mama in the afternoon, then Balletone, Salsa Burn and Fit Hop one after the other.  We’re looking at 4 solid hours of sweating yesterday._uacct = “UA-4888259-1”;urchinTracker();

I felt like a million bucks!  Nothing hurt; things were getting a little tired by the end, but no sharp or aching pain.  
At 9pm, I poured myself into my heated car seat and drove home semi-conscious, showered with as little effort as possible and folded myself into bed expecting to wake up in a sobbing heap of pain.  Surprisingly, I was only a little stiff this morning.
But I am tired.
Beaten down, barely conscious.
The only reason I am blogging is to help me maintain consciousness for the next 45 minutes until my class starts.  I have to stay awake for 2 classes: one postnatal dance and one postnatal strength.  I am dreading the effort of lifting my arms, not because they’re sore but because of the sheer amount of energy it will take.
I want sleep. 
Don’t get me wrong: I slept like a rock last night.  A solid seven-and-a-half hour sleep with no kicking, squirming munchkins in my bed.  But I want more!
Oh, and carbs.  I want to drown myself in fettuccine Alfredo right now.  I was too tired to even think about eating last night.  I had two pieces of toast with almond butter, a banana and a cheese string.  Lunch won’t be until 2pm for me today.  It’s taking every ounce of self-control to keep from strolling over to Sunterra and scarfing down a cheddar cheese scone or three right now.
Sleep and carbs.  Sleep and carbs. 
My mouth is watering at the thought of the lasagna I am having for dinner tonight.
Ohhhhh I am so sleeeeeeeeepy….so hungry…so zzzzzzzz……

Sugar-free me!

Thus begins Week 2 of no sugar.

No, wait!!  I’ve lost 5 lbs since I kicked my sweet tooth to the curb last week!!  FIVE POUNDS!!  Apparently, my addiction is what was killing my diet during these months of teaching 15+ classes a week.  Hmmmm…
Seriously: I am down to 140lbs for the first time in a year.  A year.
Now, I don’t care about weight loss from an aesthetic standpoint.  I love my body and all that it represents.  From a health view, however, I have not enjoyed these extra 15-20lbs on my frame.  I know that they are the result of some kind of imbalance in my activity to food ratio and that irritates me.  Last February (2010), I got back down to 135lbs for the first time since I was pregnant.  I was meticulous about what went in my body.  I was restrictive in a caloric sense; I was focused on the quality and wholesomeness of the foods I chose.  I was the cleanest of clean eaters.
Somewhere around April 2010, that started to slide.  By September, I was at about 150lbs.  Yuck.  Like I said: love my body in all it’s sizes and shapes, but do not like to see myself when I am unhealthy.
Extra sugar, you are the culprit!  You and your refined friend, white flour, have made my body an unhappy, unhealthy place.  You and your Sunterra scones and chocolate obsessions have made me an unhappy soul.  The extra water, the extra weight, the extra space.  I am officially breaking up with you.

Someone asked me where I am drawing the line, as the main “bad guys” I speak of are white sugar and white flour.  For me, it’s not the type of sweetener so much as the added sweetness period.  My insatiable sweet tooth is my downfall.  I can cut out added sugar, but I also need to cut out the full spectrum of sweeteners.  Thus, anything that does not naturally occur (e.g. fruits, milk) is off limits.  This includes honey and agave, and also aspartame and Splenda.  It’s the craving for sugar that I’m trying to kill!
White flour is off limits simply because I like and appreciate the quality of whole grain flours that actually do something for my health, rather than just filling me up with an unsatisfying insulin spike 😉  Whole grain flour is completely acceptable, and it allows me to have bread and pasta.  Dancer Meaghan needs her carbs!!
Sugar is necessary in some proportion as well, so I’ve capped my allowable sugar-added-per-serving at 3 grams.  If I don’t allow any sugar, I’m basically hooped.  There are very few complex, whole-grain foods that don’t have sugar added in some way.
Overall, I’m feeling good.  I feel perky and energetic.  I am enjoying a vast quantity of fruits and vegetables, and I have started to enjoy flavoured loose teas as well.  I am trying to find things that are naturally sweet to replace my need for excessively sweet.
It’s a long road, but it seems to be worth it 🙂