Friday 5

Happiness is the return of Derfwad Manor, one of my favourite blogs 🙂  Add that to Hyperbole and a Half, which has made me laff so hard that tears run down my legs, and the fact that my children are wearing their socks on their hands because it’s funny … well, we’ve got a pretty good Friday going on here today!
So here’s a little Derfwad game for today:
1.  What are you doing this weekend?  I have a maternity shoot tomorrow afternoon, and a lot of packing to do before I leave for VEGAS BABY!!!
2.  Lousiest moment of the week?  My wicked headache last night that has left me feeling nauseous today.  I’m going to the doctor to find out if they’re migraines.
3.  On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your current satisfaction with your hair?  Lol, I love the randomness of this question.  I’d say about a 7.5 – I looooove the colour my sister did, but I need a trim.  I love that I can fit it into a ponytail again though!
4.  Reading a good book you can recommend?  Nope.  I’m on the “can’t find anything worth reading” kick right now.  Anyone have any recommendations for me?  No vampires right now, please.  
5.  If you had $100 to selfishly blow on yourself, what would you buy?  VIBRAM FIVE FINGERS!!!

Now for the taggies:
*Air (since she hasn’t blogged in SIX WEEKS!!)
*Everyone else!

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For me, for you

I am at peace tonight (except for that little e-mail snafu…) and in a most generous mood 😉
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I feel incredible.  I had one of the most unbelievable yoga practices of my life.  It was one of the most incredible 90 minutes I think that I have ever been blessed with experiencing.  I don’t know if words will even do justice to the way I feel tonight.  
It’s like I could take over the world, or sleep for 50 years 😉
I was tired today, feeling unmotivated and under-accomplished for the week.  I was just off-kilter for most of the day.  Laying in class, partaking in savasana before we started, I was staring at the ceiling and fidgeting.  I wondered how the class would be: would it be a hard, dizzy class because I felt off all day, or would it be a good class that I would be happy with?
I lay there, wondering, thinking, absorbed with form and function instead of being in the moment.  I caught myself in this moment of unconscious living and made a decision: it wouldn’t matter what the future of the class held for me.  I was here to be in the moment.  Not worrying about what may or may not happen, or whether or not it would be difficult. 
I cleared my mind and began class feeling light.  And would you like to know what happened?
Of course you would!!  Otherwise, why would you still be reading??  Bahaha … sorry 😉
I had the greatest class I’ve ever had.  I bought deeper into my postures, pushed harder, sweat more and breathed fuller than I ever had.  I conquered things that I thought were miles beyond my ability.  I thrived, living in the moment.
It was incredible.  Surreal, even.  Like I said, words won’t do justice to the way the class treated me, and I can only wish to one day experience that connection with my body again.  Unbelievable.
So, in honor of the magic that I am feeling in my heart, I have a gift for you!!  I won my own first bloggie prize this week from the first blog I ever read and would like to pay the honor forward to my readers in celebration of my wonderful day!
Leave a comment at the end of my post, and I will send you a little goody basket of treats, just to make you smile!  If you post as “Anonymous”, make sure you sign your name 😉  I’ll draw a random winner on Friday!

Friday, Friday

Ugh, I’m tired
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Friday Five:
1.  Have you ever worn hand-me-downs?  Who did you get them from?
Many times, from many people.  Some of them were maternity clothes.  Some have been regular clothes, borrowed and never returned…

2.  Have you ever given hand-me-downs?  Who do you give them to?
I go through my closet/dresser every couple years and pare down mercilessly…and then 2 weeks later, I need something I gave away!  I also got rid of ALLLL my maternity clothes by giving them to expectant friends.  I have a huge box of used baby clothes to take to the 2nd hand shop soon.

3.  How do you feel about hand-me-downs in general?  Do you like the idea of recycling things, or does it bother you to have something used?
I think it’s a good idea.  I’d rather get money for them, or give them to a friend but sometimes I’m too lazy and they end up at Goodwill…  If things are new and in good shape, I don’t mind having hand-me-downs, especially for furniture!

4.  Do you ever visit yard/garage/junk/tag sales?
Not really.  Same reason I don’t shop at 2nd hand stores.  If it’s from people I know, I don’t mind, but I don’t like items from strangers.  It skeeves me out.  

Plus, garage-salers scare the sh*t out of me!!  They are a breed unto themselves!!
5.  If given $25,000 to buy furniture and decorate your home, would you buy new or antique?  Why?
New, new, new!!  Why buy old, unless it matches the style of your home??  I want a new kitchen table and new living room set!  And a 40″ LCD TV (okay, Leith wants that, so I thought I’d give him a shout-out!)

Happy Friday 🙂  I’ll be busy with 2 photo shoots this weekend!!


I promised myself that I would never talk about potty training on my blog.  SO let’s just say that in a moment of complete stupidity, I thought I would introduce C-boo to the toilet.  Suffice to say, she is not scared sh*tless, because I’ve never seen a child squeeze her bum cheeks together so hard in my life!!!
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Friday 5… (it’s been awhile, hey?)
1.  Name one thing you do every day:
Change diapers…
2.  Name two things you wish you could learn:
Patience, and fluent Spanish.
3.  Name three things that remind you of your childhood:
Chipit’s Cherry Jewel bars, Tahiti Treat and Donna Lewis’ “I Love You Always Forever”
4.  Name four things that you love to eat but rarely do:
Coconut rice (!!!), Guiness, cheesecake, and King crab legs!
5.  Name five things that make you feel good:
Leith, Kit-kat, C-boo, running and back rubs


Yesterday, I completed my 3-month fast from fast food.  It was hard, particularly with how busy I was in December and how much I was away from home!  
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I decided to celebrate by going to McD’s for lunch today.  Now, I’m not a Big Mac girl.  I like my plain and simple cheeseburgers.  So I ordered 2 cheeseburgers and  small fries.
It all tasted like salty cardboard.
But I love McDonald’s!  Does this mean that I am cured??  I really have no desire to eat fast food anymore … other than a DQ sundae…
Blogging fun – it’s Friday!!
1.  What types of blogs do you usually read?
I usually read light-hearted, personal blogs.  There are a few blogs by people that I know that I enjoy reading just to keep up with their lives.  There are others that I have never met, but they make me laugh.  There are a couple that I read because of their experiences as preemie parents (CF Husband and Matt & Maddy)
2.  What kinds of products do you usually buy when you shop online?
Usually I only buy books online at  Other than that, I have occasionally purchased Christmas gifts online that I don’t know if I’d be able to find in Edmonton.

3.  What kinds of online videos do you usually spend time watching?
I usually watch TV shows online at since we don’t have cable anymore 🙂  I’m usually catching up on Flashpoint and Degrassi!

4.  Besides Friday 5 (!), what other weekly memes do you usually enjoy?
I write a weekly Gratitude list, but you already know that!!

5.  Where do you like to go for streaming online music?
I don’t really listen to a lot of music online.  Sometimes, I’ll tune into CISN, but I usually have them playing on the radio in the house anyways!

We’re living the triplet life, babysitting Baby T tonight!  Wish us luck – 3 babeez!!

Friday, Friday

This was a week to be reckoned with.  

I went for a bone scan on Wednesday afternoon.  Because of the radioactive dye they use, I was not able to breastfeed from noon on Wednesday until noon on Thursday.  It was the most painful, exhausting 24 hours of my life.  Both physically and emotionally draining; I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.  
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Okay, maybe on my worst enemy 😉
My girls will not take a bottle.  They are starting to understand sippy cups, but they can’t drink out of the non-spill ones yet.  They eat solids quite well, which solves the nutritional problems of the 24-hour fast, but it doesn’t solve their hydration needs.  They just did NOT understand why Momma was right there and wouldn’t feed them.  I was in physical pain (despite pumping), emotional pain (from watching them suffer) and on a hormonal roller coaster as my body struggled with the situation.  It was not pretty.  It was only slightly more tolerable than the nights I spent at home when the girls were still in the NICU.  Yes, it was that bad.
A lot of people suggested that this might be the catalyst for weaning them.  It was the exact opposite.  When 12pm Thursday rolled around, we were reunited with much relief, happiness and tears.  It strengthened the relationship, rather than breaking it.  I have never felt so much joy as I did spending yesterday afternoon snuggling in bed, nursing my sweet babeez for hours.
Meanwhile, the rest of the world watched a commercial plane land safely in the Hudson River!!  WOW!  Hats off to the pilot for his amazing skill!  There is a special Friday 5 from Miz Booshay for today:
1.  Who do you consider a hero?
This is a cheesy daughter answer, but my dad has always been my hero.  He has overcome so many things during my life.  I hope that he can continue to overcome whatever he faces.  He has always been an inspiration to me.

2.  Do you have any pilots in your family?
No pilots that I know of.  I know Leith would love to get his pilot’s license, and I hope that one day he can.  My grade 8 boyfriend is a pilot nowadays, but I don’t think that counts!

3.  Have you ever been in a hairy airplane situation, in the air (not in the airport!)?
When we were on our last connection home from Mexico (Salt Lake City to Edmonton), our plane’s flaps froze shut.  They had to clear the runways at the Edmonton International Airport as we circled the city for over 45 minutes.  We hit the runway at over 400 km/hour.  I knew it was fast, but I didn’t realize how dangerous the situation was until we landed and I saw all the fire engines and ambulances following us on the tarmac!  I was 5 months pregnant, and I held a flight pillow over my belly as I braced for the landing.  Leith was incredibly calm, and smart enough to not tell me how bad it could have been until AFTER we landed.  But all’s well that ends well!

4.  Who is the tallest person in your family?
I think my dad and Leith are equally tall, although neither of them tops 6 feet!  My sister’s boyfriend is over 6 feet though!

5.  Have you ever seen the Blue Angels or the Thunderbirds at an airshow?
I’m trying to remember if I have seen the Snowbirds in person, but I can’t remember!  I’m sure I must have seen them at some point in my life.


I did it.

I registered for the Footstock Duathlon … I’m on my way to endurance excellence!
Friday 5:
1.  What was the best book you read last year?
I read so much!  I can’t even remember how many books I’ve read in the past year.  The Twilight series was really, really good.  I also read “Remembering the Bones” which was like a gentler “Stone Angel” – both rank as two of my favorite books!

2.  What was the best movie you saw last year?
I know we watched A LOT of movies last year.  The funny thing is, I can hardly remember any of them.  Doesn’t say much for Hollywood, does it?  I went to see Sex and the City in theatres, and it surpassed my expectations.  Meet the Robinsons rocked!

3.  What is your favorite television show?
Veronica Mars, baby.

4.  How many children did you want when you were little, and how many do you have now?
I wanted two, I have two.  Good planning on my part, hey?  Ha, ha…

5.  Cats or dogs?

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Hmmmm … I have a cat, so I should say “cats”, but I want a dog so badly!

Belated Friday 5…

Oh, I am so tired!  With the exception of ONE night this past week, I have not been getting much sleep.  Many thanks to the evil babeez.
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1.  As a child, who was your favorite super hero/heroine?
Hmmm … I don’t really remember having a super hero – I don’t really do the comic book thing.  I really liked She-Ra when I was little, so I think she counts, although I was definitely confused by the conflicting reports that He-Man was her brother.
2.  What was the one thing you always wanted as a child, but never got?
A pony.  Ha, ha, so true.
3.  What’s the furthest from home you’ve been?
Riviera Maya, Mexico … sigh … it’s -30 outside and my parents are leaving for Mexico tomorrow…
4.  What is one thing you have always wanted to learn, but haven’t yet?
How to stay motivated and focused on one venture, without getting bored after a year or two.
5.  What are your plans for the weekend?
Relaxing, laundry, cleaning, driving the parentals to the airport, shoveling snow, taking a purchase back to Staples … going for a run was on the list, but it got bumped.  Boo 😦

Gratitudes + Feast!

I was waaay to tired to Feast on Friday, so I’ll do it today!
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End-of-Year Positivity:
1.  What is one really cool/useful/nice thing you purchased for yourself this year?
I got a lot of cool/useful/nice things this year!  My camera lenses and Photoshop (and some actions!) have been well-used and well-loved.  I think the greatest purchase of 2008 was Constance.  She was much needed and she is well-loved!!  I am so happy with our decision to trade in my Jeep for her.  She may be a little expensive in the monthly payment arena, and she may suck gas, but she is one of the great loves of my life and she has made my life so much easier!
2.  What is one area of your life that you really improved this year?
I am much more confident in myself now.  I think it took having 2 babeez for that to happen, and I’m glad that was the result, because I know having children can do the opposite to your self-esteem!
I also became more self-motivated.  I’m far from where I should be/need to be, but I am getting better!  I have embraced my stay-at-home self as much as possible, and though I am far from Martha Stewart, I am trying my best 🙂
I also improved my friendships, I think.  I’ve taken more time and made more of an effort than I used to.  I’m still impossible to get ahold of on the phone, but I’m working on it!
3.  Who (or what) was a regular source of encouragement or inspiration this year?
Leith, hands down.  I would not have survived this year without his love, support and encouragement.  He was (and continues to be) my rock.
4.  What is something nice you did for someone else this year?
I bought my mom flowers in November :o)  I took care of my babeez and loved them every day.  I made sure to make Leith sleep downstairs when he needed a full night’s rest, because while I love his help, I know that he has to work all day whereas I have to sit all day!
5.  In what ways was 2008 better than 2007?
2008 was the best year of my life.  My babeez were born healthy, and I have been so blessed with the opportunity to watch them grow.  2007 was stressful and emotional, betweenfinishing school, the wedding and the pregnancy.  2008 was an improvement from day one!
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-Family and friends that live so close, so that we can celebrate with them.  I have seen almost every person that is important to me in the past week.
-For all the gifts received, and for all the gifts we were able to give.  After a long year of trying to make ends meet, my busy November/December meant that I was able to spoil my family in the manner to which I have become accustomed!  I did not want to give measly gifts (regardless of how much love), and I managed to work enough to make that happen!
-For the good food, in abundance, even though it is not helping my weight-loss goals!  Especially for my mom’s roast turkey and stuffing – hers is the best, and I haven’t had it in years because we have been deep-frying our Thanksgiving turkey for the past 3 years.
-For Santa Claus!
-For the time spent with my family.  I know I already mentioned that, but I love my family more than anything.  I love Leith and my girls, and I love my parents and my sister.  I am so grateful to have such wonderful people in my life!
-For my camera, with which I am able to capture all the special moments in our lives.  I am also grateful for the new speed light that I got with the camera!!!
-For babeez!  They complete my life and fill my heart with joy.
-For continued health and happiness.


I haven’t had a flu in years.  I honestly couldn’t pin-point the last time I felt this sick.  I’m more of a chest cold kind of girl.
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I am feeling much better this morning, having rid my body of anything consumed in the past week.  I’m almost tempted to step on the scale and see if I’ve lost 5lbs 🙂  But then the trick would be keeping it off, ha ha.
I’m just a little feverish today, and feeling quite weak and light-headed.  I’ll take that over the nausea any day!  I’ve made the babeez a cocoon of blankets and pillows on the living room floor, plopped them down with some toys and Cheerios, and they are quite content with letting me lay on the couch.  I may regret the Cheerios when I have to vacuum later, but right now, it is nice and quiet.
Oh, and Kit-kat is thisclose to crawling.
I’ve been so busy complaining about how sick I am that I forgot to BRAG about getting my Christmas shopping done on Thursday!  I found gifts for my mom and sister, and our nephews.  I also went to Joe and bought too many clothes for the girls.  But in my defense, they were almost all on sale for $5 or less, and they are all 6-12 month sizes (vs. 6-9 month sizes), so they will get a lot more wear out of them than usual.  We really needed some onesies, as almost all of the ones in the dresser are 3-6 months and TIGHT on their chubby little bodies.  I think we should be set for awhile 🙂  I also got them another pair of jeans, because their old ones are flood pants and the other pair that they have are very Christmas-y and thus don’t match all the mounds of pink clothing they have.
I know, I’m trying to justify…
But regardless, the point is that I finished my Christmas shopping, with the exception of a couple of things to stuff Leith’s stocking and fill in his main gift.
So there.
Friday 5:
1.  What is your favorite thing about the shoes you are wearing (or were most recently wearing)?
They have no laces!  I bought them about 11 months ago when I was too pregnant to tie my shoes anymore, but needed runners.  I have a black pair and a cream pair.  They look like Sketchers, but they were only 2 for $50!
PS, I love that Americans wear their shoes indoors.  I think that is so delightfully weird 🙂
2.  What is your favorite thing about the people you work with?
Hmmm … I don’t really work “with” anyone in the traditional sense.  Let’s talk babeez 🙂  I work “with” my babeez every day.  I love their smiles and their giggles.  I love how excited they get about Cheerios!  I love that C-boo can pick up the Cheerios all by herself now, although she is very detailed about it and scrutinizes each one before she gets it in her mouth!
My favorite thing about them?  Every blessed moment.
3.  What is your favorite thing about the climate where you live?
The snow?  Ha, ha, just kidding.  I love that we get 4 full seasons.  As much as I am craving +25 right now, it wouldn’t seem right if there was no spring or fall.  I couldn’t imagine Christmas without snow.  I love the diversity of our seasons, even if winter takes up half the year 🙂
4.  What is your favorite thing about Friday?
I don’t know!  Friday doesn’t really signal the end of the week for me, and hasn’t for a long time.  I guess I like knowing that everyone else has the weekend off, and that I might get to spend time with them in the upcoming days.
I used to love TGIF on ABC … I miss those days of family sit-coms!
5.  What is your favorite thing about the year coming to an end?
This is actually the first year that I don’t want to end.  I wish it would stay 2008 forever, that I could just freeze time.  This has been the best year of my life, hands down.