All this time…

Why did you use me?

Why did you fire me under the guise of helping me?

Why did you turn on me? Hate on me? Make me recoil in fear and betrayal?

Why did you tell people I was crazy when I wasn’t? That I blacked out from mental illness when I didn’t? That I “went off my meds”? That I was unstable and unpredictable when all I did was protect myself from what you did to others?

Why did you hurt me?

Why did you email our family friends and cause more strife? Years of it?

You were my best. friend.

My me.

My same.

My Gemini.

My whimsy and artistry.

Why did you feel threatened by me? Why did you attack and hurl me away?

Why did you hurt US?

What did you see?

Why did you make it so our children don’t know each other? Separate our art and passion? Our families?

Are you truly a narcissist in sheep’s clothing? A sociopath in wool? Did you really, truly try to hurt me? Or was it all misunderstood?

It’s been 7 years and 2 months and I still don’t understand.

I saw warning signs, and I protected myself. But I still.



You were my very best friend.

I miss you. And I hate that I do.