Bad blood

I decided to ring out the old year by practicing the ancient medical art of bleeding…  Obviously, my trials and tribulations of 2009 are a result of bad blood, so I high-tailed it down to the mobile blood donor clinic in town this morning for my first donation in 9 years!  
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If you’re counting, that makes it my 2nd donation ever 😉
And do you know what??  I survived!!

I did not freak out and hyperventilate during the finger poke.  My iron levels were great!  I did NOT cry when they gouged my big fat vein with a knife needle the size of Texas a small sewing needle. 
Although, I will admit that my eyes were getting a smidge bit damp when I was telling the nurse (?) about my previous needle-avoidance tendencies.  But because I am a big girl, I kept it under wraps and remembered to breathe and soon I was watching the very fluid of my life trickle down the tube and into a bag, waiting to be whisked off to some hospital where it will make the very day of someone who needs it desperately.
Total time spent?  About an hour.
Total satisfaction?  You betcha.  I’ll go back again.
You know, for the cookies 😉

Visit Canadian Blood Services today to book an appointment.  

Gearing up!

Oh, what a feeling!

I love standing on the precipice of a new year, ripe with opportunity and potential 🙂  I especially love it when the preceding year was such an emotional roller coaster that I cannot wait to bury it in the past, despite the incredible growth and insight it provided me with… :o)
Oh, 2010, you are by far my favorite year of this new millennium.  I think that, although 2008 will always hold a dear spot in my heart, you stand ready to take the #1 place in my history.  You will go where I send you; how shall I send you?

*I will be able to knock off at least 18 items on my list of 101 in 1001; others will continue to be in-progress events that culminate at the end of the 1001 days

*I am running my first half marathon on April 25
*I am running my first FULL marathon on August something-or-other (whenever the Edmonton marathon is…), and I want to go to Kelowna in October for their marathon
*I am learning to swim again, in order to fulfill my triathlon-ing destiny 🙂  I used to be a fish – a fish, I tell you – until I failed my Bronze Cross endurance swim by 2 stinkin’ minutes when I was fighting bronchitis in grade 10, and my ex-boyfriend made fun of me, and I swore to never swim again.  I’m like that … never say never!  Ha!
*I am returning to my beloved Footstock again this year, but rather than allowing me to conquer my 2:34 time from last year, they decided to make the course longer: 5.5km run, 40km bike, 10km run.  Yikes!  I am soooo up for the challenge though 🙂  AND it means visiting with my Sku in Calgary again!
*2010 is the year that my business will explode (in a good way!), and reward all my hard work from 2009.
*2 words: bikram yoga.  Sherrie has agreed to submit to the heat and torture with me, and we are starting to go on Sundays as of this weekend!  I loved it when I used to go, and it’s been over 3 years!  I am really looking forward to developing that mind-body connection, struggling to maintain peace and perspective despite physical stress.  It is an incredible experience!  I just have to avoid thinking of my extra pregnancy skin flopping around in the heat…!

*I am continuing my quest for good, real, non-processed food for my family.  I just placed my first organic meat order with Sunshine Organic, out in St Francis.  I love that they are local to my hometown, and their prices were actually phenomenal.  I love, love, love knowing where my food is coming from.  Part of my business quest revolves around making organic and natural foods more affordable for my family, meaning that I don’t have to worry about the price ;o)
*On that note (for the first time in 20 years!) I am excited to get out and build my vegetable garden and compost bin!  I have a raised bed along my driveway that is about 3’x20′ (if memory serves me…) that needs some serious TLC – the thistles and weeds have overtaken it in years past.  I am going to dig out and rototill it early this spring, and actually pay for a good mix of black dirt for this year so that I don’t have to wait for a couple seasons.  I am also going to do some container gardening for my squashes, and make a separate potato bed.  Excitement!!  I hate flower gardening (since they, you know, die), but vegetable gardening actually leaves you with something to show for all your hard work.
*Leith and I, busy though we will be, are going to take more time for each other this year.  We’ve already planned our trip to Kananaskis to go skiing in January (yaaaa!), and we are planning to go to Vegas in July.  His quad is fixed and he has a new bike, and we have no major projects planned so I am hoping that he gets to go out and play a lot this year!
*This is totally cheesy, but 2010 is the year of being hawt again 😉  I will be back down to my pre-wedding weight of 125lb by the time my 29 birthday rolls around.  I have 13lbs to go!  I am actually really enjoying the process; I have never paid attention to cause and effect in my body, so it is interesting to watch what I eat, see how much exercise it takes to fix my “indiscretions” (chocolate…), and see the results.  It is a good lesson in consequence, and really quite valuable in terms of taking responsibility for my own health.
2010 is going to rock!  I am so excited for the ball to drop on Thursday night, to bid adieu to 2009, and to open my arms to the amazing possibilities of the New Year.  May it be as much a blessing and reward to you and your loved ones as it will be to me and mine 🙂
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Wrapping up 2009

Cheers to the end of the hardest year of my life to date!!  Not to be melodramatic, but … I am very excited to bid adieu to 2009 😉

(Get ready for a long post…)

Life at The Acreage was hectic over the Christmas holidays, but it was worth every minute.  I enjoyed spending a lot of time with my family and friends.  I love Christmas, more than any other time of the year, but I love it even more with two little girls.  They were definitely overwhelmed, but they loved their second Christmas despite numerous temper tantrums and full-scale meltdowns (5 days’ worth…).  Leith has been off since the 22nd, so we have been lucky to spend a lot of time with him 🙂 🙂
First of all, look at the cute Christmas dresses Poppa bought for his girls:
We spent Christmas Eve at the in-laws.  The girls had meltdowns, opened presents, ate dinner and had meltdowns 😉  Grandma & Grandpa D gave them an art easel that has a chalk board on one side and a magnetic white board on the other, and both sides have a clip at the top for paper.  The bugz love to color, so they were VERY excited!
We spent Christmas morning at home, just the 4 of us.  It was my first Christmas not at my mom and dad’s, which was weird for me, but we wanted to start our own family traditions so…  The bugz woke up at 6:15am (surprisingly, before me; I am notorious for my early morning Christmas wake up!) and had quite a few meltdowns while we opened our stockings and gifts from Santa.
Santa sure spoiled our bugz!  It was a Tinkerbell-themed Christmas at our house 😉  Tink folding chairs, Tink dolls, Tink hoodies…
Great-Gramma sent a goodie basket and the girls began their day-long snacking on “choco” and Pringles.  Pringles, Pringles, everywhere….

Later in the afternoon, we went to my parents’ house for dinner.  My grandparents and aunt were visiting, and my sister and her boyfriend came over as well.  It was so nice to have such a full house.  It’s been a couple of years (okay, like 4 years) since we’ve all had dinner at their house, so my parent’s went all out:
They even caved to my new standards and bought a fresh, organic ($100!) turkey for our dinner:
Everyone agreed that it was the best turkey any of us had ever had!  We also had the usual suspects: mashed potatoes, French green beans, stuffing, and a new addition:
Fresh (warmed) tomatoes with fresh mozzarella!  For dessert, my parents created an amazing Italian dish that was somewhat like tiramisu, but a million times better.
I had fun using my new pop-up flash diffuser.  I hate using pop-up flash, but I’m too lazy to use my speedlight a lot of the time, so this was a much-appreciated gift 🙂

The bugz were truly spoiled rotten by Ga-ga and Poppa – they gave them a sweeeet play kitchen (including food and sound effects!).  They also gave them twin baby dolls, deliberately contradicting my NO BABY DOLLS ALLOWED rule … sigh.  But they don’t blink/cry/pee/poo or anything else stupid, so I guess it’s okay.  And my girls seem to like them…
We had a fantastic holiday all in all 🙂
On Sunday, we left the bugz with Ga-ga and Poppa for the day while Leith & I went ice climbing with Sherrie & Levi.  I won’t even pretend – I sucked.  Sucky, sucky, sucked.  I made it 30ft before my arms were exhausted, and I let myself get frustrated to the point of tears.  I spent the next 90 minutes sitting at the bottom feeling sorry for myself.  Everyone was good about it, but I’m still mad at myself.  I need to get out and practice on a smaller pitch this winter to build up my technique because I really do enjoy what little amount of climbing I’ve done!  Oh well.  I’m crossing it off my list of 101 in 1001, but I plan to go again for real before my 1001 days are up!
We are planning our New Years’ Eve toboggan party and a few more visits before the end of 2009 – stay tuned for more fun and excitement 🙂

21 months!

Nearly 2 years old … it’s true what they say: enjoy it, because it goes by so fast.

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At 21 months:
…the bugz can run!
…they went to see Santa, and were moderately interested in him, but not enough to smile for the camera.  Oh well, at least they didn’t scream 😉
…are wearing 12-18 month clothes, and some 18-24 month clothes
…are wearing size 5(ish) shoes
…they love mini bagels and apples, but are finally eating more vegetables thanks to Momma’s sneaky cooking 😉
…they love going ‘boggin with Daddy on our little toboggan hill outside
…the cupboards in basement provide hours of entertainment, and only 2 squished fingers so far!
…they always ask for their “mitties” when we wear our winter coats, and they are good at putting their boots on
…sentences are becoming more regular, and they ask for things that they want
…they have been fairly good about not touching the Christmas tree, unless they want (negative) attention 
…on that note, they are both definitely pushing and testing their boundaries!  It seems that deliberate disobedience is a fun game lately, especially for Miss C-boo.  She will look right at you while either ignoring your command completely, or doing the exact opposite of what you have just told her to do
…they love having “piggies” put in their hair.  We are almost ready to go for their first haircut!!  Maybe in January…
…both bugz are very good at walking on their tip-toes, and Kit-kat will twirl and dance with her arms overhead.  Dancers like Momma?
…we moved the TV downstairs, thus curing the obsession with DVDs.  They still love Monsters, Inc. and Finding Nemo, but the obsession has worn off, thankfully!
…they talk … a lot.  I don’t know where they got that from 😉
…they are developing strongly.  I used to worry about their prematurity, but other than size, they are very advanced for their age in many areas and right on track for the rest.  Leith and I are very proud of how far they have come!

Preemie clothing drive time!

Do you know what that means?
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It means that my babeez are almost 2 years old.  It means that we are about to undertake another Preemie Clothing Drive for the Royal Alex NICU!!  We will be collecting preemie clothing from January 1st – March 8th, 2010 for our 2nd annual preemie donating to the NICU where our sweet bugz stayed for the first 2 weeks of their little lives.  We are enormously grateful for the incredible care we all received during their stay there, and so we are committed to bi-annual donations of clothing to comfort the families who currently use the program.
If you would like to donate:
-We will be collecting sleepers and onesies for the wee babes.  Full outfits will be accepted, but please note that they will only be used by NICU “grads” – i.e., when Baby gets discharged to go home.
-Please, please ensure that there are NO zippers, and that there are snaps on BOTH legs of all sleepers.  This allows access to all lines and feeds, which is very important.
-We recommend the brand “Gagou Tagou” – not only are their outfits bright and colorful, but they are incredibly inexpensive.  Onesies are only $4 and sleepers are only $8.  Additionally, their preemie size is very small, unlike most so-called preemie sizes.  You can find them at The Bay (especially the one at West Edmonton Mall!!) and at Toys R Us/Babies R Us.
-Please consider purchasing a onesie + sleeper: most babes need to be dressed in layers because they are not able to maintain their body heat for a number of reasons.
-We can arrange drop-off or pick-up for you.  Just let me know what is most convenient!!  E-mail me or leave a comment at the bottom of this post (click “comments”) with your contact info.
Thank you so much for your support.  Not only are we incredibly grateful for the support of our family and friends, but your generosity means the world to families in an otherwise very stressful situation.  Until you’ve lived the life, it’s hard to explain how one bright, new sleeper that actually fits your wee baby can lighten your day, even if it’s just for a moment.
Thank you!!

The week-before-Christmas Gratitudes

Yikes!  I may have neglected my blog for the past few days…
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So quickly, some gratitudes:
…the birth of the littlest D on Sunday afternoon!!!  Ya!!!  Her momma is a trooper, and I am so excited to get over to their house and steal snuggle with this precious little one (and of course, take some photos! – Check out the maternity ones here)
…getting almost all my Christmas shopping done – I had a marathon (okay, sprint) shopping session on Friday, where I hammered down and got the majority of what I needed.  Sherrie and I did a little more yesterday, and today I have to go bright and early to West Edmonton Mall to be trampled on pick up one last thing.  Phew!
…safe travels by my grandparents and aunt yesterday.  I am so excited to have them here for the holidays 🙂  The bugz are excited to see their Greats as well, although they will probably do their best to hide their excitement at first…
…an awesome final Saturday at work.  I am really looking forward to 2010 being my year to shine – excuses and obstacles are a thing of the past.  This coming year is all about me.
Inglourious Basterds.  Rent it.
Lose It! – the best iPhone app ever 😉
…a treadmill and a bike trainer in my basement, and the sweetness of running whenever I want to, for as long as I want to.  Bliss.
…reconnecting with a childhood friend after too many years, and discovering that we have a lot in common 🙂  Some people hate the internet, but for reasons such as this, I love it!
…Christmas spirit in all the holiday line-ups.  Calm peace while driving.
…except for the old lady who bashed my van in a parking lot … but for that, I am grateful that no one was hurt, I guess…
…wide, open spaces with trees and fresh air when I step out of my front door

…a visit to see Santa – the best Santa ever – even if the bugz were SO serious!  At least they didn’t freak out.  I think they were a little disappointed after all Momma’s hype about it.

…a new challenge for 2010: – I may actually die, but I am so excited to give these insane workouts a try!  I even bought a skipping rope (and told Leith that he has to put it in my stocking, to justify the $5 expense on Dec. 22) so that I am ready to die roll.  Thanks for the tip, Air!
…family, peace and serenity

**21 month update on the bugz, coming soon…ish

Holy $#!% it’s nearly Christmas!

I love Christmas with my whole heart.  It is my most favorite time of the year, hands down.  I love the spirit, the smells, the peace, the warmth.  I love the traditions and the decorations.  I love the wrapping paper and the stockings and the turkey.
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This year, I would love a little more time before the big day … and kids that sit still for their portraits … and a stiff gin martini…
I don’t know when I dropped the ball.  All I know is that I dropped it hard.  I have wrapped half the Christmas presents I’ve bought, which is only half of what I need to buy.  I have 3 people to buy for still, and toys for the bugz plus stocking stuffers.  Thank goodness Leith and I decided not to get each other gifts this year; instead, our trip to Kananaskis in January will be our “present”.
The worst part is, I can’t even begin to wrap my head around what I need to do and there is less than a week until the Big Day.  I have no idea what to buy for the 3 remaining people, or what to stuff the stockings with.  I have no idea where to go.  I haven’t written a single Christmas card or letter.  I just finalized plans for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with the families.
C-boo has just locked herself in the bathroom again … really.  I’ll be right back…
Both my kids have snotty noses right now, and they are super clingy.  Not a good situation for the chaos swirling in my head!  Let’s not even speak of the mess in my kitchen, or the fact that I haven’t washed my floors since last Thursday … Ack!  What am I to do?  I need a personal assistant to help me.  
If anyone wants to volunteer to be my elf, I’ll love ya forever 🙂

Being better in 2010

2009 was definitely a year for me.  I think that is the most vague, bland and impartial way of describing it!  There were some super highs, but there were also a LOT of lows.  I’m not about to meddle in the pros and cons of 2009 in this post; instead I want to focus of my achievements and changes for 2010.
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I learned a lot about myself this past year.  It tested me in many ways and forced me to discover a stronger person inside myself.  That being said, I can look forward to the coming year as a fresh start.  I know with startling clarity where my weaknesses are, and I know what I want to accomplish with that knowledge.
So for 2010, I will:
…buy as much organic &/or local food as I can find and afford
…plant a garden in our raised bed with potatoes, carrots, squash, beans, peas and maybe some others 😉
…cook more meals from scratch
…spend more time outside
…finish the interior renovations: painting, baseboards, doors, trim moulding
…complete 2 duathlons, a sprint triathlon, a half marathon, and a full marathon
…learn to swim again!
…keep my training consistent – no more 4-month breaks!!
…go golfing
…start going to Bikram yoga again
…continue to listen to good books on my iPod, and apply what I learn to my self and my life
…foster new business relationships
…always accept social invitations (unless utterly impossible!)
…learn to decompress after situations that make me uncomfortable, so that I take things less personally
…finish more things that I start
Obviously, some of these changes are a little vague or thinly spread.  I don’t intend for them to be “resolution”; instead, I am just looking at 2009 and trying to take the most out of it to bring with me into the New Year.  I am hashing out my directions, if you will.  I don’t know the exact road or speed for some of my destinations, but I know where I want to BE.
2010 is going to be my year.  I am excited to see all the good that it brings after all the “learning” we did this year.  I think that we will sow many seeds, and that our harvest will be bountiful.  I look into the coming year, and for once, I see nothing but potential.


Here it is, nearly 11am, and I am still in my pj’s.  I’m about 1/3 of the way through my to-do list for the day.  I promised myself that I would get it all done; I laid it out on paper and made sure I hadn’t forgotten anything.
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But woe is me.  I feel so lazy!  I don’t know if it’s the Greek chips I ate instead of running last night (I blame Cam & Julia for introducing them to me, and Superstore for carrying them so that I bought them for Leith’s birthday.  NOT my fault!), or if it’s the house-bound antsy feeling that comes with a week of -30 weather, or the fact that I can’t find my glasses … but I just feel so BLAH!
Oh well.  Onwards and upwards!  Yesterday, the bugz and I spent 90 minutes at the police station filling out an accident report for dear beloved Constance.  She has a big chunk missing out of her azz, the result of a crazy old bat hitting me in a parking lot.  If you are counting, this is my FIFTH not-at-fault accident. And yet, because it was a parking lot, it is deemed “shared”, so because the old bat went to my insurance company, I have to file a claim, and my insurance will now go UP.  Boo to you, old lady.  Boo to you.
My kids were monsters at the police station, deliberately disobeying and misbehaving the entire time.  You wouldn’t think nearly 2-year olds would be that diabolical, but they were.  I was borderline embarrassed!!  Thank goodness I can still play the twin sympathy card – ha!!  If I had a 2- and a 3-year old, no one would have felt badly for me 😉
We went to Planet Organic after that.  It was my first time to the market, and I LOVED it!  Some things are very expensive (cheese, meat, bread), but I found 2L milk for $2.99 each!  Score!  They have a decent amount of selection, and a great produce section.  The staff was unbelievably kind and cheerful – I must admit, I was expecting a bit of snobby-granola attitude, and I was pleasantly wrong!  They were awesome.  It felt like I’d stepped into a family grocer of years gone by.  Lovely.  My kids kept their arms stretched out to the sides to knock all the food off the shelves and were still monsters, but it was an overall good experience.
I sold them at Mountain Equipment Co-op.  Ha!  Just kidding, although my cashier said he would take them and put them to work until 8pm, and that I could pick them up after.  Oh, was I ever tempted!!  We have to go back today because I was a dork and bought the wrong tubes for my bike tires (PRESTA, Meaghan, Presta), which led to me NOT changing to a training slick, which led to me not biking, which led to me eating Greek chips, which led me to NOT running.
Which led me to sitting here in my pj’s at 11am.
I blame my kids.  And the crazy old bat who hit my beloved Constance.
But, hey, what can you do?