Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday…

Ahh, the life of waiting for the Shaw guy.  I have to leave in 15 minutes and he’s not here yet.  I’m frightened by the thought of shutting off my cable in protest, but it barely works and the service kind of sucks 😦  Plus, they cancelled V-Mars on Cosmo, so really, I have no use for cable anymore. Ha ha.

It totally feels like Friday, which kind of stinks because it’s only Tuesday.  Boo to that!

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I am excited about the prospect of making more than $48 tonight!  Woo-hoo, 2 clients!  I wish I weren’t so cynical about the gym right now… Think positive, think positive… Oh!  I get to work out with my mom tonight!  Yay!  I miss our workouts.
It’s getting time to bundle up the babeez and head out into the car.  Into the BEA-U-tiful weather!  I’m loving this Indian summer – it’s +26 today!
Another positive: I had a great time teaching last night!  My kids are so awesome this year, and I’m starting to bubble with some choreography.  It’s good to be back.
Here’s a picture thought for you:
(The Mayan Riviera, photo courtesy of my parents’ vacation 
before the girls were born – this is where we spent our 
honeymoon in November ’07.  Ahhhh.)

Gratitudes – A Day Late :)

It’s that time of week again!  Actually, “that time” was yesterday, but I was having a slack-tacular day, so….
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Gratitudes, anyone?
-Sleeping in until 11:30am yesterday!  Ahhhh…..
-Smiles, giggles and roars??  Yes, Kit-kat has learned how to “roar”.  Hilarious!
-Sweet, short hair… and thanks to Leith for letting me get it cut.  Lol… he hates it when I say that, but I still think of it as “his money” – so thanks honey!!
-Lots of visits with my dad
-Okay, this is really lame, but:  I found the plug for my exercise ball.  A little history – I bought this stupid ball in January 2007.  It’s a good one, thus it is difficult to blow up.  So I deflated it after 2 days and it has sat in it’s box ever since.  I pulled it out this morning with all the good intentions in the world, and I couldn’t find the plug.  Boo!  But then, 30 minutes later, I found it.  In the box…
-We survived the first round of colds unscathed.  The munchkins were only miserable for a day or two, but they’re still stuffy.  Poor boos.  Leith & I were both threatened, but again, it only lasted a day or two.  Eat your garlic, people!
-Super cute Halloween costumes at super cheap prices!  Sneak peek is coming, I swear!
I’m trying to decide if Kit-kat is allergic to her oatmeal cereal.  She keeps getting a little rash on her cheeks, ever since Saturday.  It’s not severe, but I’m not sure what to do…
Maybe we’ll ask Gramma when we see her tonight.
I am trying (as of today!) to be more motivated to work out.  You’d think being a personal trainer would make that easier, but it really doesn’t.  I have worked out ONCE since my parents went to Penticton in mid-August.  My body is really feeling it – my back hurts, my shoulders hurt, and my abs are non-existent.  I haven’t even been running.  The girls are so big now too.  Carrying one baby might not do me in, but I have TWO.  Carrying their car seats into the house actually causes me pain! 
So enough whining!  I’m setting a goal of working out (at home) 3 mornings a week while we watch TV.  Hence the above story of the exercise ball, ha ha.  I sit on my bum almost all day, most days of the week.  Mom and I are supposed to start working out together again as well.  
Wish me luck!


Finally Friday!
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Fill-in time 🙂
1.  _____ are some of the things I am most looking forward to in October.
Photoshoots, family visits and new courses are some of the things I am most looking forward to in October.
I am most looking forward to Ariana & Trav’s engagement shoot on the 4th!  I am still very nervous, but I have SO many ideas bubbling around in my head.  I drove through the river valley today, and the colors are going to be perfect next weekend!
I am also looking forward to Thanksgiving with my family.  My grandparents are coming up for the weekend, and we are hosting dinner here as usual.
My next photography course also starts in October.  It’s shaping up to be a good month!

2.  Sometimes I _____.
Sometimes I am a bad listener.  I finish people’s sentences and I jump to conclusions.  Sometimes, I just need to shut up ;o)

3.  _____, and that’s why there is the saying, “Never say never!”
I absolutely love the opportunity to stay at home with my girlies.  I used to work up to 4 jobs at once and I thrived on being over-scheduled.  I thought there was no way that I would enjoy sitting at home all day but I do, and that’s why there is the saying, “Never say never!”
I also said I’d never own a minivan…
4.  When I am down, _____.
When I am down, I crawl into a bag of cookies and go to bed.  Hopefully my metabolism agrees with me well into old age!
5.  _____ is where you’ll find me most often.
At home, on the couch is where you’ll find me most often.  It’s headquarters for me and the babeez :o)
6.  A rainy day is good for _____.
A rainy day is good for cuddling.  I sometimes wish we had a fireplace.
7.  And as for the weekend, tonight I am looking forward to _____.  Tomorrow, my plans include _____.  On Sunday, I want to _____.
And as for the weekend!  Tonight, I am looking forward to training my clients (same old, same old).  Tomorrow, my plans include cleaning my mom’s house bright and early so that I will be finished in time to go get my hair cut!  Hot mama haircut time!  On Sunday, I want to clean my freakin’ house cuz it’s really messy and then go to dance practice!
Happy Friday!

100th post!

Happy 100th post to me!
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Lol…  I actually said “lol” out loud this morning.  I was immediately ashamed.
I can’t believe it’s Wednesday already!  This whole barely-working thing sure is nice :o)  I’m sure I’ll change my tune once the paycheques drop down to $0, but for now I am just going to enjoy it!
We slept in til 1:15pm yesterday!  Yikes.  It was very much needed though.  I was turning into a zombie.  Since Monday, the babeez have also become fond of sleeping more at night.  Not necessarily through the night, but we’re close.  Last night I stuffed them full of milk and cereal and sent them to bed at 10pm.  Kit-kat woke up at 5:30 and C-boo lasted til 6:30!  Woo-hoo!  We were up at 7am anyway, to pick up Mom at the car dealership, but it doesn’t matter – I got 7 hours of sleep!
And by stuffed, I mean stuffed.  I’m pretty sure the little munchkins weren’t that hungry, but I kept stuffing cereal into their mouths til they were ready to pop.  They aren’t impressed with the thicker cereal – the looks on their little faces are hilarious!  
Every new step in this journey is so amazing 🙂
Most important news of the week:  We found Halloween costumes!!  They are super cute and colorful, and most importantly, they only cost $9.99 each!  I’ll give you a little sneak peek one of these days…


What a wonderful week :o)  I am so in love with life right now, even though I am exhausted beyond belief.  I feel like I am stretched between the two extremes!  It’s so good, though.
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My gratitudes for the week include:
-Finally getting the teaching schedule sorted out for Mondays so that I have my classes back to back, and even more grateful that my Mom is willing to leave work early to help out!  I owe her big time!
-For a girls’ night with my Mom and the babeez on Monday night, and the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time!
-That the sick, slimey bugz are still very happy, despite their colds.
-A fun (and free!) postnatal pilates class with the babeez, and Bailey & Jaxen, who always spoil those bugz rotten :o)
-A good visit (with good pizza) with Mom and Dad
-Surviving another 4 days with Leith out of town, and the surprise of him coming home early on Thursday night!
-Even MORE pizza on Friday lol
-A first birthday party for my nephew, and fun times playing Wii with his older brother.  I love Wii – gotta get one (hint hint Santa!)
-Seeing so many friends this weekend: Suzi (and her mom!), Lyndsay, Cheryl (and Elisa), Sherrie, Levi and Baby T.  I am so blessed by the friendships that I have in my life right now.  I may not see or talk to my “circle” that often, but the fact that they are a constant in my life (and have been for 15 years now!) is an amazing thing.  I also love the friendship that we share with Levi & Sherrie – our 3 girls will be so lucky to have each other growing up!
-More good food than my azz really needs right now!
-The sweet, sweet return of Starbucks.  I missed you so much baby!  Xoxo, mama never leave you again, otay??
-A pair of size SIX jeans from Sherrie, and they are a little loose!  Wooooo-hooooo!  Who cares if I’m still flabby!  I’d rather be skinny-fat that fat-fat   :-S
Happy Sunday!

Finally Friday!

Friday Fill-ins
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1. There is no need to _____.
There is no  need to complain about your life.  Unless you are destitute, there is always something in your life that is going well.  It might be your health.  It might be the roof over your head.  It might be your beautiful, snot-covered babeez, laughing in their Exersaucers…
2. Where in the heck did the _____.
Where in the heck did the decency and modesty go??  I am so sick of how over-sexualized teenagers are.  Don’t get me wrong: I am fabulously in love with the new 90210, but it makes me sad to think that there are many, many children out there trying to emulate these characters.  All you have to do is go to the mall to see it.  Sit in the food court next to a group of girls (or boys, for that matter).  I get nervous when I see this sort of thing, knowing that my babeez will grow up with these messages.  When I watched 90210 (way back in the 90’s!), the only thing we had to worry about was our high-waisted jeans cutting off our air supply.
3. _____ is all I managed to do.
Running the dishwasher is all I managed to do this week.  My house is a wreck.  I should take a picture of my kitchen and post it.  It’s gross.  I am ashamed.  I haven’t vacuumed in over a week.   I don’t even have a good excuse!!
4. Prospects for _____.
Prospects for being productive today are slim :o)  I have 2 clients later on, but it looks like the early part of my day will be devoted to booger-catching.  More on that later….
5. _____ is the message.
What is the message?  I’m not sure.  Love one another?  Please send money?
6. Simplicity and tranquility are _____.
Simplicity and tranquility are the cornerstones of my life right now.  They don’t always happen together, but they’re in there somewhere.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I am looking forward to _____.  Tomorrow, my plans include _____.  Sunday, I want to _____.
And as for the weekend!  Tonight, I am looking forward to making $58 training.  Woo-hoo!  Tomorrow, my plans include a birthday party for my nephew (which might actually be on Sunday…not sure…).  Sunday, I want to go for brunch with my friends.  I also have a dance practice and meeting, which may be bumped if the birthday party is actually Sunday!
I am dealing with 2 sick babeez right now.  Kit-kat was coughing and stuffy on Monday night, but she hasn’t gotten really bad.  A bit of runny nose when she sneezed on Tuesday/Wednesday, and really just a cough now.
C-boo, on the other hand, got hit last night.  Let me preface this by saying, “I HATE BOOGERS!”  Ew.  C-boo woke up early this morning and we had to saline-spray her nose and suck her out with the aspirator before she could nurse.  Ew ew ew.  All morning, she has been one of those kids.  You know the ones: with the shoestrings running into her mouth.  Ew ew ew!  I’m after her with the Kleenex but I’m gagging all over.  She’s so MOIST.  
I guess the good thing is that they are both very happy.

Suddenly Seven

7 things you might not know about me:
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1.  I cannot stand, nor tolerate, poor spelling.  It is my biggest pet peeve.  Following closely behind poor spelling is improper apostrophe use.  “Its” does not equal “it’s”.  Let’s all learn about possessives and contractions.  Actually, it’s any improper punctuation.  Finally, there is grammar.  Don’t even get me started on your bad, bad grammar.
2.  Starbucks makes my life complete.  This past month was surprisingly easy, BUT I went back like a crack addict today.  $4 coffees make me happy :o)
3.  I tend to quit things that don’t come easy for me:  school, dance, jobs, businesses, relationships, hobbies.  I need constant encouragement from the people around me when I am struggling.  I don’t know if it’s low self-esteem or just sheer laziness…
4.  I use ellipsis too often…I also don’t know how to pluralize “ellipsis”…
5.  I was born in Ontario.  I used to hang onto my “Eastern” roots, but now I am loyal to my life in the West.  I love Alberta and I can’t imagine living anywhere else.
6.  I hate talking on the phone, for the most part.  There are a few people who are granted immunity, mostly my family.  I actually call them randomly, without purpose, just to ramble on as I drive home from work ;o)
7.  I decided on one of my daughters’ names when we bought their cribs.  Yes, she is named after her crib.  I will always be haunted by that…
What are 7 random facts about you?
PS, I hate the new Facebook


Sweet, sweet success!
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I was so busy being grumpy this morning that I didn’t realize that today is the one-monthaversary of my Starbucks challenge!!
I did it!  30 days sans-Starbucks.  Woo-hoo!!
So happy!!!
Where’s Constance??  I need a drive-thru stat!!


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I know that I should be happy that all my clients cancelled on me today.  Oh, by the way, by “all”, I mean two.
My 7pm tonight called yesterday and rescheduled, and I totally understand that.  She’s awesome to work with and we aren’t on a strict schedule.  Plus, I get to go visit my parents tonight, so it all worked out.
But I hate, hate, HATE it when I’m booked for a consultation in the mornings (or any time for that matter) and they call that morning to cancel.  You see, when a client does that, I charge them.  I still get paid.  Consults?  Nope.  No pay.  And when they cancel the first one, they usually don’t reschedule, which means that I definitely do not EVER get paid by them.
Add to the fact that getting up for work in the morning now includes cleaning/feeding/changing/dressing two babeez.  These two babeez usually like to get up regularly after 2am as well, so Momma isn’t a well-rested happy bear in the mornings.
So while I have a lot of time to do a lot of nothing today, it’s ruined my mood just a smidge.
Grr.  Happy freakin’ Wednesday.

Good vs Bad

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The dance studio managed to fix our scheduling issues so that I can teach my classes back to back! Yay!  Thanks Dawn 🙂  It makes for a much shorter, much less stressful night for all.
We also picked a song for choreography!  “Crazy Train” by Ozzy.  Woo-hoo!
We had a sleepover at Gramma’s last night!  I was wiped out by the time I got there to pick up the babeez, so I crashed on the couch and they crashed in the pack-n-play.  It was the best night’s sleep I’ve had in a long time!
Kit kat has a cold 😦  She is stuffy and runny and coughy and sneezy.  She is still somewhat cheerful though, and she does not have a fever.  I still feel like a bad mom though 😦
My clients are cancelling/rescheduling left, right and centre.  So frustrating.  And yet, I always feel a little relieved – probably because I have been feeling so apathetic about training lately…