Team Awesome!

The names have been drawn, the teams have been made, the trash-talk has started, the buttons are ordered and the competition is ON!
Last night, we organized teams for our annual High Impact training at work.  I wasn’t able to participate last year, so I have been anticipating this like a giddy child waiting to go to Disneyland.  It’s an all-out, 4-week, super-intense team-building competition at work that guarantees an explosion of business for those that sweat through the pain.
There are individual and team categories with insane rewards, and I WILL. NOT. REST. until I have secured a 1st-place standing.  This is the kind of thing that drives me, and I am so excited to push, push, push – not only for the glory, but because it will mean that I have done incredible things for my business, which ultimately means that I have helped my family and countless other families in a HUGE way.  
I am jacked up, revved up, and so EXCITED to be a part of this awesome momentum.  We have an incredible team – me, two newbies with huge drive to win, the kick-azz Camrose ladies and our Fort Mac-daddy.
Expect insane energy and updates for the next month as my team and I push our way to the top of our agency.  It’s going to be an incredible ride, and I am so grateful to be blessed with such an amazing team!

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Sunshine & butterflies…

…or something like that!

Needless to say, if you follow me on Facebook, you will have noticed a drastic mood improvement in the past few days.  Life is rolling, rolling, rolling in awesomeness right now.  I found that my weekend was a catalyst for activity and positive results.  I have been riding the wave and enjoying the results of feeling good.
It was needed.  I needed a kick in the azz to realize that (gasp) the world does not revolve around me, and that not everyone thinks I’m a big deal 😉  It deflated my ego, but what I realized is that I AM a big deal to the people who need me to be a big deal.  Not everyone needs me, but that’s okay.
So, some updates:
I’m rockin’ 5am when it makes sense to.  I dropped the whole 40-day challenge aspect of it for the time being, because there are just some days in my hectic life that are not conducive to waking up that early.  But on the flip side, if I am in bed by 11pm and the bugz don’t terrorize me all night, I actually really like getting up that early!!
I actually really like getting up that early!
There is this beautiful, calm stillness about having the world at your fingertips – standing on the precipice of an incredible day and feeling the potential pulse through your body.  To be alone with my thoughts, my goals, my dreams, and myself.  To meet the waking world cool, calm and collected is an incredible feeling.  I actually look forward to the days that I can get up that early.  It’s amazing!
And the biggest news of all??
We are taking our awesome WW&W night on the road to 3 different cities in the area in late May!  If you missed our Spruce Grove evening, stay tuned for the details coming soon 🙂  We will be in Stony Plain, St Albert and Leduc.  You do not want to miss out on this incredible evening!
Have a great Thursday 🙂

Crisis averted

I had a crisis of faith this weekend.  What’s the quote about “…the harder they fall” ?  I can’t remember the beginning, but I sure do relate with the end.

I am not a salesperson.  There is a reason I left personal training: I had to sell to succeed, and I just could not bring myself to ask for a sale.  I didn’t believe in myself enough.  Since my major career change just over a year ago, I have learned to believe in myself and my mission.  I have learned to be passionate, and that my belief in my cause is the number one reason that people believe in me.
I still don’t sell.  My clients will never pay me for my services with anything other than gratitude.  But I am learning that, regardless of business or industry, you must always sell yourself.  And selling your SELF is much harder than selling a product because of the emotional connection we have to who we are and what we are worth.
It is absolutely true that your status in life is a direct reflection of how much you believe that you are worth.  Somewhere, amidst all this growth and personal discovery, I have neglected to allow myself to be worth more.  I was hit smack between the eyes this weekend by rejection when I stepped outside my comfort zone to market myself.  It was the latest in a long line of rejection lately (and when I say long, I mean looo-o-o-o-ng) and it knocked me hard on my ass.
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I fully admit to laying in bed yesterday afternoon moping, crying and generally feeling sorry for myself, and continuing that trend for the better half of today.  I took a long, hard look at myself and my situation and actually contemplated walking away from everything I have worked so hard to build in the past 13 months.
I am so incredibly grateful for the amazing leadership and mentors around me.  A few key phone calls and text messages helped move me forward enough to clear my head and get me up again.  While I am by no means ready to head out the door this afternoon and face those rotten demons and fear, I am feeling more put together and positive than I was even a few short hours ago.
Bloggie-friends, I was SO upset yesterday that I actually deleted my Facebook and Twitter apps from my iPhone.  If that doesn’t reflect the gravity of the situation, I don’t know what does…
I’ve been living in a pool of strengths, but drowning in my weaknesses.  I was starting to feel like such a fake, such a phony, such a big talker – someone who has everything in line to be great other than the practical application of her skills.  The more I thought moped about it, the more I realized that was the reason I had walked away from failed at so many other career attempts.  I have always been too smart for my own good – I can master a skill set or theory faster than most people, as conceited or self-serving as that may sound.  It’s the truth.  But what I lack is follow through, and in a business built on relationships, follow through is the golden action.
All the talk in the world won’t build a big, successful business and life if you don’t follow through on your actions.  And while I’ve been told this many times, it never really hit home until about 3:30 this afternoon.  People’s opinions don’t matter.  Hearing “no” doesn’t matter.  Struggling against common expectations doesn’t matter.
What matters is picking yourself up one more time than you fall.
I fell hard yesterday.  It’s the closest I’ve ever come to quitting this journey.  It seems silly to think that two rude people brought me to my knees that hard, but when you love something as much as I do, it seems impossible to fathom that you can’t touch everyone with your passion – even if they don’t need your service, shouldn’t they at least be moved by your spirit?  Just enough to return a smile?
Unfortunately, the answer is no.  And the more unfortunate part is that I have a sensitive heart that is open to the world for insult and injury.  I have always taken the littlest things personally, and this latest situation quite literally brought me to my knees.  
I let complete and total strangers determine my self-worth.  I’m ashamed to admit I was so weak, but I was.  I let two people bruise my heart and stream tears down my cheeks.  But the key words are, “I LET”.  I let them do that to me, instead of steeling myself against it and being insightful enough to know that business is about numbers and there will always be no’s.  Some will be more harsh than others, but they are not a reflection of who I am or how well I do my job.  I am incredible at what I do, but if I fight against the nay-sayers, it will be a losing battle for everyone.
Instead, I need to focus on those people I meet that appreciate and understand, and that every person who says “no” is simply the wrong person at the wrong time.  
So, my crisis of faith is averted.  I know today that I am on the path to greatness, and that I am doing something incredible and wonderful for myself, my family and my community as a whole.  I hope that my readers can take something away from this for their own good as well; our struggles are not overcome by being selfish.  Share, so that others may benefit from the mistakes you make.
And above all else, just keep swimming 😉


First, the confession:
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I totally went back to bed this morning after I posted about my incredible fatigue.  I even coerced my bugz into watching Princess & the Frog on the laptop so I could laze, well, lazily around for the morning.  I am sporting a massive fatigue-induced hangover that I think I could liken to DOMS when working out … you feel like you might die, but experience says that you will feel amazing tomorrow if you just survive today.
5am DOMS.  I like that 😉  I feel like a trooper.
I did feel guilty going back to bed, but I know that I need to sleep with the busy 3 days ahead of me.  I can’t crash and burn this weekend, so I chose a little preventative maintenance.  I feel better-ish.  Better knowing that a little bit of laziness today will not knock me off course, and that a bit of struggle always makes victory that much sweeter 🙂
Now for the vent:
Dear Telus: Please hire local, relatively intelligent Canadian labour for your call centres.  Thanks.
I spent 30 minutes on the line with Telus customer service trying to figure out why I don’t have a dial tone. The whooooole time, the lady on the other end is trying to fix the number of rings before my voicemail picks up.  She asks me to dial *94 from my handset and punch in my PIN.
Um, I can’t do that because I HAVE NO DIAL TONE. 
No.  Dial tone.
Which is why I called you from my cell phone in the first place…
After 29 minutes, she finally realized this and booked a service call for me (which I’d asked for at about minute 10…).  She told me that my service date was booked for April 22 between 8am and 5pm.
That’s today, right?  
Yes, ma’am, April 22.  
So sometime today, they will be out to fix it?  
Your service date will be April 22 between 8am and 5pm.  
I know – but it’s already 11am, so I just want to make sure we’re talking about the same date.  
Yes, ma’am, you will get a courtesy call between 8am and 5pm on April 22, 15 minutes prior to the arrival.

Is anyone else maddeningly frustrated with this exchange between me and her on-screen prompts??  Can someone puh-lease teach the operators to step away from the screen and listen to what’s being said, instead of reading and clicking like drones.
So, my voicemail picks up after 5 rings, just so you know…

45 minutes late

I’ve crossed over into the land of fighting 5am.  Day 4 of 40 … really??  I know I said I’d do this without complaint, and with smiles and sunshine and butterflies but I AM TIRED.
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Oh my stinkin’ heck, I am so flippin’ tired.  Howwww do people function on so little sleep??  No wait – I was in bed at 9:30 with the lights out last night, so I really did get a LOT of sleep.  More than 7 hours.  But I had to break down yesterday and nap while the bugz napped.
I am struggling with this.  I fully admit it, and today scares me.  I already slept in until 5:45 (by subconscious want accident) and I have an ama-a-a-azing training event to go to this evening that I know will run late, and is in the east end of the city.  That equals a bedtime of oh, probably midnight or later (!) and a wake-up of 5am in the morning, plus office hours and subbing ballet classes until 9pm tomorrow night!  Gahhhhh 😦
DID YOU KNOW: I can’t even check my online banking at 5am??  That’s how early it is.  Even my bank knows that 6am is the norm.
And the guilt, let’s talk about the GUILT.  I totally hit the snooze button once each morning, but I figure that it’s better than hitting it multiple times like I usually do.  But it’s not a “restful” snooze by any means – oh no, it’s 9 minutes of my conscience guilting me so that I don’t hit that button again.  Whispering in my tired ears about goals, dreams, promises to myself, it’s only day ___, and so on…
My ego and my conscience are locked in an epic battle, and both are stubborn.  Hello??  I am the physical body that has to live with these consequences!!  Can the two of you come to some sort of agreement so that my mind and body can be at PEACE?  Either let me fail or let me succeed at this 40-day challenge, but make up your freakin’ minds so that I can either be a) tired or b) guilty.  Not both.
Okay, that’s my whining for the day.  I won’t lie – I will be napping today.  I can barely keep my eyes open and it’s taking all my willpower to stay out of bed.
Have a great da-zzzzzzzzz

For Today

Outside my window … the sun is shining fiercely down on this beautiful spring day!!  We are supposed to reach a high of +26 today – how insane is that???  LOVE IT!
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I am thinking … about what to do with the rest of my morning/afternoon.  The bugz are asleep, my work is done, and I don’t have to leave the house until 3:30pm 🙂
I am thankful … that I was able to wade through my mess of a filing system and get our 2009 taxes filed today!  I started this morning around 7:30am and finished just before 11am!  Pretty stinkin’ impressive when you realize I had not tracked a single thing for my businesses (financial, dance or personal training), our rental property or our renovations, other than throwing receipts into one of those 3 boxes …  Lesson learned for next year 😉 
From the kitchen … scrumptious blueberry pancakes leftover from breakfast.  I had to make a modified combination of PW’s Pancakes and my gramma’s biscuit recipe because I had no butter, eggs, oil or Cristco (yuckkkkk).  They turned out really well, and I doubt their will be any left in 5 minutes.  I love being up early in the morning with nowhere to be because I can make tasty breakfasts!
I am wearing … a blue t-shirt and my green penguin pyjama pants, with my pink/yellow/red/orange striped sock slippers.  Hawtness, people. 
I am reading … Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver.  I am so grateful that Heather recommended it to me – it has absolutely changed my way of thinking about food.  I was already a changed eater before reading it, but it has taken me on such a romantic journey with simple food that I would almost eat a raw tomato.
I am going … to keep this momentum rolling.  I feel amazing – it’s strange how something as little as waking up 2 hours earlier can push you to do what you need to be doing.
I am hearing … the bugz’ Rock-A-Bye Baby CD playing in their room – Bob Marley style 🙂
I am creating … a bright future for my family!
Around the house … gardens to rototill, plants to water, lettuce and spinach to transplant and containers to start with squash, beans and peas!
One of my favorite things … reading out on the deck in the sunshine, which is what I’m going to do when I’m done here 🙂
A few plans for the rest of the week … an appointment and work tonight, an incredible training event tomorrow, subbing at the dance studio on Friday, another awesome training event on Saturday plus an appointment PLUS an open house for a landscaping company … and on Sunday, we garden!!
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you:

Who has 2 thumbs, no make-up on and 2 finished 
tax returns??  This girl!!

Mad ramblings of a tired lady

“Lady” makes me sound old.  I’m not as old as Julia though – ha!!  Okay, quick and funny story – yesterday was her (real) 29th birthday, and I told Leith that it was her “first” 29th birthday.  He asked me, “So how old is she really?  35?”  I laughed SO HARD!!  Apparently, by joking that she’s a cougar, we misled my dear husband into thinking that my friend is in her mid-30s but looks smokin’ hot and young!!  “Well, I just figured she looked really good for her age…”
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Made.  My.  Morning.  Yesterday!
But here I am on Day 3 of my 40-day challenge of waking up at 5am.  So far, so good.  I won’t lie – I had a power nap on Monday afternoon, but yesterday I went full-throttle from 5am-10pm!
I’m freakin’ tired this morning….
Yesterday was awesome though.  I cranked out the activity needed to keep the momentum in my business rolling, booking interviews, follow-ups and consultations.  I touched base with past clients that needed to be checked in on and just worked it.  It was GREAT.
I also knocked a couple hundred dollars off our communications spending each month!  Woo!!  Our average cell phone bills have been hovering around the $250-300 mark, which is NOT cool.  Our basic plans are $80/m each (plus another $45/m for necessary add-ons) because they are our only phone service and we need the high minutes.  Unfortunately, we usually go over our minutes by anywhere from $60-150 A MONTH.  Double-not cool.
Wait … isn’t “double-not” a double-negative, thus making it cool?  Triple-not cool …

I went to the Telus store to crunch some numbers and found out that if I drop each of our plans to the bare minimum ($50/m each) and have a landline installed ($37/m), we will save SO MUCH money.  I’m either at home or somewhere where there IS a phone most of the day, and Leith has a work phone that he uses until 6pm each night.  I have unlimited incoming calls, and I kept our data plans – must be able to text and compulsively Tweet … and we can still iPhone-to-iPhone call each other as much as we want.  Awwww….
BUT WAIT!!  It gets better!!  I called out internet provider and dropped our (ridiculous) contract from $90/m to $65/m.  Small savings, but the service is already slow so I rarely download anything from iTunes anymore.  Then, I get my confirmation email from Telus and my personal customer service rep, Kevin tells me that we qualify for their high-speed internet!!!
We looked into this in August, but we were just outside the service area – like, 2km outside.  So we signed up for wireless high-speed on a 3-year contract at $90 a month!  Telus’ most expensive high-speed is only $32/m and is waaaaaaay faster and more reliable.  We have to pay a big chunk of change to get out of our contract with our current supplier, but we still have 27 months in our contract.  In 13 months, we will see the savings from switching.  YAY!  SO HAPPY!!
So that’s the news that is getting me hop-hop-hopping out of bed this morning.  Today is tax-prep day, and I am trying to look forward to it, but I really don’t want to sort through all the mish-mash of duplex and acreage receipts that I know I should have organized at the time.  Live and learn …. I decided to buy UFile this year, instead of QuickTax or going to an accountant.  More work for me, but only $30 to file personal, rental and business returns.  Here’s to hoping for a pretty little (HUGE) government cheque to line my retirement savings 🙂
Have a great Wednesday!!

Facing myself

Waking up at 5am to a quiet house leaves a lot of time for self-reflection.  If I were in any other state of mind, I might be wary of what I will discover with all this free mind-time, but right now I am looking forward to it.
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It is giving me a chance to look at my actions from the previous day with raw evaluation.  Everything is so fresh, and I am unhurried in my thoughts.  It allows me to see my strengths and my faults, and moreover, my excuses.
I need to step up my game.  I’ve been working on this so-called “40-hour work week” for almost 3 weeks, and I have very little to show for it.  I read tweets coming in last night from 2 colleagues who cranked out some incredible activity in the late evening yesterday.  The time of day isn’t as important as what they were doing.  What did I do yesterday?
Well, I did go into the office for product training, even though there was no team meeting afterwards due to the Kelowna event.  I’m proud of that.  But afterwards?  I picked up my girls early (even though I paid for a full day of childcare) and went home.  We relaxed on the porch in the unseasonal warmth and watched Princess & the Frog.  I did not make a single phone call or email, drop in on a single client, or meet a new prospective client.  Zip.  Nada.  And the whole time, this little voice in the back of my head was admonishing me for being so childish.
Childish is exactly what it was – that grown-up attitude of “I can do what I want because I’m my own boss”.  The laziness that comes with eating a box of Froot Loops for a day because you are old enough to make your own decisions.  At the end of the day, all you have is a stomach ache and a grey-green tongue.
This morning, I might as well have a grey-green tongue for all my “grown-up” attitude yesterday. 
I know that I have difficulty pushing myself when no one is watching.  That is part of the reason I keep a public blog – for accountability.  But I think I need to pop one of Derrick’s suck-it-up-buttercup pills and act like a grown up.  I need to stop procrastinating and start DOING.  Stop planning and start DOING.
I’m going over to Julia’s for part of today to work, and I have a list of about 10 people that I need to call. I will check in later and let you know how it went.  I will also try and drum up a few more leads.  We are ending our office hours early today, so I will take the bugz and go around to some businesses in town that I’ve been meaning to pop in on.  And no matter how tired I am, I WILL go out from 6-10pm tonight, like I am supposed to do, regardless of how tired I am from waking up a 5am.
I made a list of goals, but until I start putting some hard work under them they will only be dreams.  Goals are only achieved through action, so it’s time for me to stop dreaming and start acting on them.

I’m awake, I’m awake…

I’m aw-zzzzzzzzzz
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No, really, I’m here!  I’m fighting it though – you’d be surprised how hard it is to stay awake at 5am when everyone is sleeping and you have to be vewy, vewy quiet and not turn on any lights, lest you wake the sleeping demons who don’t have a freakin’ bedroom door!
And when you promised to stay decaffeinated until 7am.  Ooh, wait!  Leith has to leave early today.  Yippee!!  Coffee, coffee, coffee – I’m going to put the pot on right-a-freakin-way.
There is NO word (nay, sentence) in the English language that cannot be improved by inserting “freakin'” into the middle somehow.  That is my PSA for the day…
So today: well, I am up at 5am.  I am not exercising, not out of laziness but out of respect for the knee.  That means that I have an extra 30 minutes to myself this morning!  I am currently using it to blog (ha ha, ultimate physical laziness), and will probably do so tomorrow as well.  On Wednesday, I have promised that I will walk on my treadmill and get reacquainted with Michael Scofield … sigh…
We’ll talk about running and BodyRock next week when I have a full week of pain behind me.
So what’s new and babble-worthy?  Well, I still haven’t found my battery charger for my camera (list of things to-do, I swear).  If I had, I would show you a photo of the super-cute patio table and chairs that my parents bought for the bugz.  Super cute – it has a freakin’ umbrella!!
Let this day be known as Freakin’ Day.  Do you ever notice that the more you notice you use a word, the more you end up using it.  Holy-freakin-cow.
The birds are chirping outside my window.  I love it!  What I love even more though, is the complete and utter lack of magpie cacophony that comes with this beautiful oasis.  NO MAGPIES, people.  That is why you throw off the shackles of city living.  No magpies.
My cold is 90% better today.  It’s almost all cough now – all bark, no bite.  The coughing is uncomfortable, but bearable.  I can’t stand being a sniffling, headachy mess.  Throw me a bout of croup any day over a sinus infection…
I reeeeeeally need to paint the window trim in the bugz’ bedroom next weekend so that I can put up their window coverings.  I have never seen two little beasties fight bedtime like they have.  I felt bad for them last night though – they took a HARD tumble down our front steps yesterday and both smacked their heads on the pavement.  From the patterns of bruising, it looks like Kit-kat rode C-boo down.  I’m sure they are quite sore, but I had to eventually put my foot down after an hour of bedtime avoidance strategy.
Poor bugz!  I really can’t believe how often they hit their heads.  I mean, they do have classic Bobblehead syndrome, what with having a big-headed mother like me, but come on!  On any given day, one (or both!) of them will have a good-sized shiner on her forehead or cheek or elsewhere.  They’re making me look bad – plus, add to that their little chorus of “Momma beat wif stick” ringing out from the backseat of the minivan, and I ought of just polish off my trophy because it’s a done deal…
le sigh….

Ah well, I’m out of my allotted blogging time, so I will see you all here bright-and-freakin-early tomorrow morning 🙂
Have a great day!