How was YOUR night?

Let me tell you about my terrifying night last night.
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I was nursing C-boo, half-asleep in my bed.  Leith got up and I watched him walk out of the bedroom to the bathroom.  I looked over at his side of the bed, and he was still there.
I was a little confused, so I nudged him and said his name.
He lifted his head and looked at me, with his eyes rolled back in his head, all whites.  He was muttering something incomprehensible.
Let me tell you, I was wracked with fear!  I clutched my babee to my chest and was screaming in my hoarse, just-woke-up voice.  Which is to say, pretty quietly…  My voice just couldn’t break through my gummy, sleepy throat.
THEN, Leith got out of bed and walked around to my side of the bed.  I was petrified.  I could still hear someone in the bathroom.  Leith came into our room from the bathroom (so that there are now 2 Leiths, face-to-face).  He grabbed his 2nd self and began kissing it.  The bodies began to melt together into one, as though one was a soul or spirit being absorbed by the other.
I screamed and screamed, paralysed with fear, holding my dear babee as tightly as I could.
And then I woke up.


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If you were given one extra hour a day, how would you spend it?
Running or sleeping.  Sleeping would be my priority right now, although the girls are getting slightly better.  But if I could run every day, man!  I would be one happy chickie!!

What is your favorite season and why?
I used to be such a summer girl.  I lived for the days that the mercury snuck past +25.  Global warming, however, has taken it’s toll on me.
I am a spring/fall girl now.  I love the excitement and freshness of spring, the longing for that first hint of green.  I hate the grey, muddy landscape of waiting though.  I love the crisp air in the fall, the sense of maturity in the world.  Everything is settling in and becoming cozy for the winter.  It’s safe and rewarding.  And I like pumpkin pie!
Main Course:

Are you a tight squeezer, a delicate hugger, a back-patter, a hand-shaker or a no-contact person?
I’m a hugger.  The closer the friend, the tighter the squeeze 🙂  If we’re not close, I won’t hug or hand shake.  I think one of the nicest surprises is a hug from someone you didn’t expect one from!

Have you ever gone skinny dipping?  Where?
Oh, I am so bold.  In my hot tub.  Once.  And I was terrified that the neighbours would see me.  The end.
courtesy of Jodi Beacon

Rainy day blues

No internets for ONE WHOLE DAY!
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Gah, I almost died.  I hate sponging internet off the Wi-Fi world at large.  Ah well, it’s free…
However, my Thursday is looking up thanks to Mikey and Christine!  They are letting us use their double jogging stroller!  I am going to go for a run outside tomorrow 🙂
I am getting very very frustrated with personal training.  I am SO limited by my need for childcare right now.  The girls can only stay for 2 hours, so I can’t take clients here, there and everywhere.  
Not that I have any clients TO take.  The gym keeps talking about the “big boom” in September.  Now, last September I was in the throes of some vicious morning sickness, so I wasn’t really taking any clients.  BUT!  I have had 2 member consultations in 6 weeks.  C’est ca.  A whopping $40 in pay… And my only training clients are the 2 ladies doing partner training.  So I am making less than $150/week.
I wish there was something for us stay-at-home moms.  I wish that children’s clothing stores let you bring your kids to work.  I wish I could be a receptionist with a couple bouncy chairs behind my desk.
I wish…

Desperate Housewife

I don’t know what’s gotten into me.  Maybe it’s because I became my mom’s Molly Meg.  Maybe all the hours of adult-solitude have finally cracked me.
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Lately, I really like being a stay-at-home mom and *shudder*…housewife.
I actually got up yesterday and made 2 batches of blueberry muffins.  Don’t get me wrong – they were totally from a mix, definitely not from scratch.  But still.
Then I scrubbed my kitchen.  Like with Comet, and CLR.  I pulled the knobs off of the stove.  I polished the backsplash.  I washed the cupboard doors.
Today, I vacuumed and mopped.  I had lunch ready for Leith when he came home.
What is wrong with me???  Maybe it’s because I didn’t get the chance to “nest” when I was pregnant.  Maybe it’s just five and a half months late…
Or maybe, secretly, I really like it.
But don’t expect me to cook.

For the moms out there:

I just wanted to post my “typical” night for all my new mom friends out there, so that they feel a little better about their situations 🙂
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Last night, the girls went to bed at 9pm.  Fairly typical.  I went to bed sometime before 11pm.
Kit-kat woke up (to eat and cuddle) at midnight, 2am, 4am, and 6am.
C-boo woke up at 1am and 5am.
It’s 7:30am.  They are in their swings because they didn’t want to sleep in their beds.  Now they are fast asleep.  I’m going to try and sleep on the couch for a few hours til they wake up.

Shoulda tooka picture

Um, I made blueberry muffins this morning.
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First, don’t ask.
Second, yes, this morning.
Third, I used 4 eggs.  Each one had a twin yolk.
Now I am afraid.  Last November, we found out we were having twins.  Then, all our eggs (chicken eggs, not my eggs) had twin yolks.
The universe is playing a sick, twisted joke on me.  It’s not funny.


This week, I am grateful for:
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-a 2.5 hour walk with the babeez and their daddy (although not so grateful for the dollar-sized blister on the bottom of my foot!)
-relief from the ridiculously hot weather.  It was so cold on Thursday (?) that I was wearing socks, slippers AND a sweater.  And I loved it!
-some cute finds at Gymboree, courtesy of Mike & Christine’s generous gift certificates for the girlies 🙂  AND that they are bringing us their double jogging stroller next weekend – Woo Hoo!!
-for all the time I get to spend with my babeez at all hours of the nights.  At least this separation anxiety thing has them loving me extra…
-hair, marvelous hair!  I need to get more little babee barrettes for the girls because they have been wearing their pink-and-green ones almost every day.
-the munchkins letting me sleep in a bit this morning, even if they were up every 2 hours for the whole night…

Friday’s Feast-ish

**The Feast is still out…lifted someone else’s substitute**
Are you a morning person or a night person?

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Um, that’s a really twisted question to ask the mother of 5-month old twins.  Morning and night blend seamlessly together in a haze of cranky babeez who just want to cuddle and munch at any odd hour.
I used to be a neither-person.  I don’t particularly like getting up early – I’d rather sleep in, although I do like the sense of accomplishment that comes from completing something at a ridiculously early hour.  And I’m not a night person.  11:00pm is a late night for me.  I remember when I first started waitressing all those years ago, and how exhausted I was staying at work til 10pm!  And then I started closing the lounge, at 2am!  I don’t know how I survived…
I’m an afternoon-with-a-Starbucks kind of girl 🙂
Do you like to shop?  If yes, for what?  Alone, or with others?
I’ve never been a mall-rat.  I hate shopping for myself and I hate grocery shopping.  Everything becomes too expensive and unnecessary.  I have found a love of Joe Clothing at Superstore.  Everything they have is super cheap and really nice.  I actually have very little clothing now that isn’t from there!  Just a couple pairs of Lulus and a pair of jeans, really.
I do love to shop for baby clothes, but again, my wallet seizes up into fits of financial anxiety.  But if it’s on sale, look out!  I love Wal-mart for kids’ clothes (did I just write that?  Shame!!), and Joe has some pretty sweet stuff, but very little in the 0-3 month range.  
I despise shopping with other people.  Period.  It makes me uncomfortable.
What is something that really motivates you?
I actually will take the girls on a TWO HOUR walk so that Starbucks falls into the middle of the loop.
Other things that motivate me include my bathroom scale (shame!), looking at my bank balance (shame!!) and reading other people’s blogs.  That sounds creepier than I meant for it to 🙂
What is the one thing you look forward to each day?
No, my babeez.  As much as I love my sleep (or lack thereof), I love seeing their bright, smiling faces – or screaming, cranky faces – each morning, afternoon and evening.  I love seeing them when I come home from work at night.  I love every second.
What do you miss most in this world?
(ok, I added that last question myself)