Gratitudes + Feast!

I was waaay to tired to Feast on Friday, so I’ll do it today!
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End-of-Year Positivity:
1.  What is one really cool/useful/nice thing you purchased for yourself this year?
I got a lot of cool/useful/nice things this year!  My camera lenses and Photoshop (and some actions!) have been well-used and well-loved.  I think the greatest purchase of 2008 was Constance.  She was much needed and she is well-loved!!  I am so happy with our decision to trade in my Jeep for her.  She may be a little expensive in the monthly payment arena, and she may suck gas, but she is one of the great loves of my life and she has made my life so much easier!
2.  What is one area of your life that you really improved this year?
I am much more confident in myself now.  I think it took having 2 babeez for that to happen, and I’m glad that was the result, because I know having children can do the opposite to your self-esteem!
I also became more self-motivated.  I’m far from where I should be/need to be, but I am getting better!  I have embraced my stay-at-home self as much as possible, and though I am far from Martha Stewart, I am trying my best 🙂
I also improved my friendships, I think.  I’ve taken more time and made more of an effort than I used to.  I’m still impossible to get ahold of on the phone, but I’m working on it!
3.  Who (or what) was a regular source of encouragement or inspiration this year?
Leith, hands down.  I would not have survived this year without his love, support and encouragement.  He was (and continues to be) my rock.
4.  What is something nice you did for someone else this year?
I bought my mom flowers in November :o)  I took care of my babeez and loved them every day.  I made sure to make Leith sleep downstairs when he needed a full night’s rest, because while I love his help, I know that he has to work all day whereas I have to sit all day!
5.  In what ways was 2008 better than 2007?
2008 was the best year of my life.  My babeez were born healthy, and I have been so blessed with the opportunity to watch them grow.  2007 was stressful and emotional, betweenfinishing school, the wedding and the pregnancy.  2008 was an improvement from day one!
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-Family and friends that live so close, so that we can celebrate with them.  I have seen almost every person that is important to me in the past week.
-For all the gifts received, and for all the gifts we were able to give.  After a long year of trying to make ends meet, my busy November/December meant that I was able to spoil my family in the manner to which I have become accustomed!  I did not want to give measly gifts (regardless of how much love), and I managed to work enough to make that happen!
-For the good food, in abundance, even though it is not helping my weight-loss goals!  Especially for my mom’s roast turkey and stuffing – hers is the best, and I haven’t had it in years because we have been deep-frying our Thanksgiving turkey for the past 3 years.
-For Santa Claus!
-For the time spent with my family.  I know I already mentioned that, but I love my family more than anything.  I love Leith and my girls, and I love my parents and my sister.  I am so grateful to have such wonderful people in my life!
-For my camera, with which I am able to capture all the special moments in our lives.  I am also grateful for the new speed light that I got with the camera!!!
-For babeez!  They complete my life and fill my heart with joy.
-For continued health and happiness.

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