Short n sweet

My bugz are sleeping in their own beds tonight – hooray! _uacct = “UA-4888259-1”;urchinTracker();

I am very sick, so this is a good thing.  I am also very lonely; thus, this is a bad thing 😦
I have 5 days left of “sugar-fasting” and it still sucks.  Granted, I am much more aware of my diet, but whoever said that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels?  Ya…um, they must not like chocolate.
The bugz’ attitude has levelled out a little bit in Leith’s absence.  I’m hoping the trend of (relatively) good behaviour lasts a bit longer!
We will be getting a new addition to our family next weekend.  Her name is Bailey:
I am so very excited to bring her into our home and hearts 🙂

And that is all for tonight!  Good night.

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