Sweet dreams

I am a very picky sleeper.  I sleep lightly and I need absolute perfection in my environment to fall (and stay asleep).  Everything has an order; not in an OCD sense, but in a climate-controlled sense.  I need silence, I need darkness, I need fresh air, I need weight on my body. _uacct = “UA-4888259-1”;urchinTracker();

Any less than that and I will become the world’s greatest insomniac.  
Thus, moving into our new house 18 months ago has posed a bit of an adjustment period for me.  When I was younger, I would rearrange my bedroom countless times in a year to find the proper configuration of furniture to light to windows.  In all my apartments, I lucked out: the bedrooms were perfectly situated to one arrangement, and it worked for me.  The duplex was the same.
The master bedroom in the acreage??  Not so much.
Our bedroom is very square.  The door is on the north wall, the closet and ensuite are on the west wall, the 8′ window is on the south wall, and the east wall is empty.  At first, we thought we would like the bed under the long window.  It was summer and the breeze at night was refreshing.  However, there is a reason that feng shui dissuades having your bed under a window: I slept restlessly for months until one night I got up and pushed our bed over the empty east wall.  
The bed has stayed there until 2 nights ago.  It was an ideal location; after all, it allowed space on both sides of the room when you walked in, wasn’t under the window and didn’t block the doors or closets.  Unfortunately our godforsaken yard light that doesn’t have an off-switch shines directly on my side of the bed.  Even with blinds up, it shone like a laser between the cracks of the two curtains to hit me square in the eyes. 
For months, I have tossed and turned every night.  I’ve tried switching sides with Leith (who can sleep through anything), but I need to be on a certain side of the bed.  Oddly, that “side” has nothing to do with right or left, north or south, window or door.  I can only tell which side is “mine” by gut instinct.
I know, I know….
ANYWAY.  On Friday night, I’d had enough.  At 11:30pm, with an upset stomach and headache, I threw back the covers and rearranged our entire room to put the bed against the north wall – opposite the window.  I didn’t want to, because I thought having the bed beside the doorway would make the room feel cramped and stuffy.  Lo and behold!  It actually makes our room look GIGANTIC!  It also allows me to use my beautiful 3’x5′ black and white art as a headboard.  There is an energy flow to the room that was missing, and I have slept peacefully since the change.
I know that many people scoff at the idea of energy pathways and feng shui, but I will tell you this much: there is a perfect way to organize a room.  It took me 18 months of sleepless nights to find it, but I feel like a new person now.  
And yes, it was this perfect arrangement that allowed me to happily have champagne and bacon in bed for breakfast yesterday 🙂

Impulsive me :)

Sometimes, I get a thought stuck in my head and the only cure is to act on the impulse.  I try to wait it out sometimes on the off chance that it will disappear, but this latest was stuck firmly. _uacct = “UA-4888259-1”;urchinTracker();

When we were in Vegas, Jess mistakenly thought that I once had a nose piercing.  Nope, not me!  That is actually one piercing that I thought would look really bad on me.  I’ve never really liked my nose (does anyone??), and the thought of drawing attention to it made me shudder.  But once the idea was there, I found myself staring at my nose and thinking, “That would actually look really cute!
Today, Liesa and I went on a little lululemon shopping spree to celebrate spring.  When we were done, we decided it was a fine time to act on my impulse.  After all, it had been nearly 10 days since the idea was introduced, so I’d had plenty of time to think about it 😉  Off we went to Dragon FX, and here is the result:
Teeny-tiny, sparkling cuteness!  Don’t mind my shiny nose, as they had to clean it first.  I am in love 🙂  It’s so little and pretty.  I haven’t had anything pierced since I took my navel ring out and I’m not a huge jewellery girl, so this is the perfect amount of bling for me.
And wouldn’t you know??  All my years of pre-needle anxiety has been washed away!  Yes, it hurt a lot in the 3 seconds it took to pierce, but I wasn’t scared or nervous.  I was a little giddy – that kind of excited-anxious – but not the heart-racing, palm-sweating, impending-panic that I used to have.  I just hopped up on the table, smiled and hopped back down.  Done!
Love it 🙂
Oh, and yes: I cleaned out the lululemon store.  It’s been far too long.  Yay for size 6 clothing!!!!

Lazy Saturday

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Um…for some reason, my iPad does not support the WYSIWYG window in Blogger! Gasp! So much for beautiful formatting in my first iPad post! 🙂

Truly, I’m just too lazy to get out of bed and go find my laptop. Leith brought me a mimosa made with my new favorite champagne, and just delivered a plate of bacon as well. Life without kids is somewhat appealing, I tell ya!

A whole day is stretched out ahead of me…what shall I do? I am aching for my garden to thaw out, so I can’t use the time to plan too much 😦 I did buy my first pair of Vibram foot gloves for running, and I am very excited to try them out now that the roads are free of ice and snow. I also want to go get my nose pierced. Weird, I know!

So much room for opportunity….what shall I do??

An empty weekend

It will be so much more exciting that just “empty”: we will be child-free from 4 o’clock this afternoon until late Sunday afternoon!  I am a little excited about the prospect of a whole weekend of adult conversation and sleeping in 🙂  My dance classes don’t start until next Saturday either, so I have the entire weekend off.  It will be nice; I am subbing an extra 6 classes next week, so the rest will come in handy. _uacct = “UA-4888259-1”;urchinTracker();

Some plans for this adult-only weekend?
  • Dinner and a movie with my husband tonight, although it will probably be dinner and a Blockbuster rental, since there is nothing co-appealing in the theatres right now.  I’m going to have to keep that Cineplex gift card for the rest of my life.
  • A trip to the Apple store to exchange a couple of wrong cords for an Apple TV.  Netflix is driving me nuts; I’m an iTunes girl through and through 😉
  • Looking at, and hopefully purchasing a dirt bike for Leith.  We decided to go the bike route instead of a new quad…as long as he promises to stay out of the ER…
  • Representing JDance at the Urban Infant launch party
  • Taking Leith to MEC to get him some new clothes, and to find new jeans for him somewhere
  • Convincing Leith to make me a champagne brunch for breakfast tomorrow?  I have a taste for good champagne after my Veuve Clicquot in Vegas 😉
  • Spring cleaning the house out…or at least giving the house the weekly scrub-down.  I wonder if I could convince Sherrie’s mom to clean my house too??  LOL!
  • A trip to our lawyer’s office to transfer the property title of our acreage so that it belongs to just Leith and me!  
  • Working on my latest project: formatting my first 3 years of blog posts into 3 self-published books via BookSmart.  Even though the program imports all the posts and photographs, I still need to go through every page and check the formatting.  It’s a labour of love, but it will mean so much to have this journal in hard copy!
  • Planning and grocery shopping for lunches next week, so that I can keep up my sugar-free/white flour-free challenge
  • Bidding adieu to my crackPhone for the weekend: yes, that’s right.  I will be turning my cell phone off at 5pm tonight, until bedtime on Sunday night (I need the alarm clock…).  No sugar and no iPhone!  Ahhhh!
Sounds good to me!

Midweek break

This week is dragging by for me … I don’t know if it’s the lack of sugar, or the fact that my yard light screams into my window all night, but I am beat.  Maybe it’s the 12″ of snow still covering my lawn in early April, but I’m getting feisty and angst-y and impatient with life.  I’ve been feeling these waves of negativity beating down on me from multiple corners of my life, and it’s taking a lot of energy to put on a smile and let them slide past me every day.  With that thought in mind, I decided it was time to take stock of what feels good in life right now: _uacct = “UA-4888259-1”;urchinTracker();

  • a perfect morning latte
  • finding calm in new tea flavours, when I haven’t been a tea-lover for many years
  • my first e-book purchase on my new iPad2
  • listening to them play in their rooms, and finding them curled up in the same bed in the middle of the night
  • relief from the mountains of debt we’ve held, soon to be washed away
  • movement, and the freedom to express my energy
  • Mad Men on Netflix – season 4, no less!
  • blogs to catch up on
  • daylight when I leave for work, and daylight still when I come home
  • the smells of spring seeping through the winter melt
  • a whole weekend with just me and him
  • perspective in my own mind, reminding me that I don’t have to do or be anything to anyone but myself and my family
  • glorious sunshine, every day
  • a new magazine in the mail
  • knowing my own heart
  • lazy breakfast-for-dinners
  • soft, golden curls and big hugs with kisses
  • stories told and songs sung, wishing I could bottle their voices forever
  • the whir of the furnace when it’s still chilly at night
  • paying off a large, unexpected bill in cash
  • the top of my garden windmill, poking up through the snow
  • knowing that soon I will be digging deep into the soil with my hands
  • clothes that are too big on me (finally!)
  • believing in myself first
With all the chaos in our lives, what are you grateful for today?

One day later…

I’ve survived my first sugar-free day. _uacct = “UA-4888259-1”;urchinTracker();

It felt harder than it was.  I feel like I should call AADAC or something…every thought is consumed with sugar.  Doubts surround me: is this granola sweetened with honey?  Does honey count?  Honey is natural, but it’s added.  Where do I draw the line??  Fine, I won’t eat that.  
Artificial sweeteners are on my hit-list since it’s the sugar cravings that I’m trying to beat.  It’s the mental dependency, like any drug.  The physical want is non-existent.  My energy level was high today and my personality was as spunky as can be.  
The human brain loves sugar in it’s purest form: glucose.  Obviously, it makes sense that my mind would be the biggest traitor in this deal.  My body loves it.  My brain hates me.
And my brain controls the cravings.  Talk about David vs Goliath.  I’m up against a monster!!
Sigh…I’m going to make some chamomile tea with milk and call it a night.  Hopefully there are no sugar plums dancing in my head tonight…

On a positive note, the caloric gorge that was Las Vegas didn’t result in any weight gain.  Out of curiosity, I will be tracking my weight on this sugar fast to see how much sugar was really damaging my body.  Today’s weight?  A solid 145lbs…

Wave good-bye…

I ate a package of Ho-Hos in Vegas last week:_uacct = “UA-4888259-1”;urchinTracker();

Right now, I’m eating a coconut gourmet cupcake from Fuss Cupcakes.
It’s do-or-die time right now.  Despite my well-know stance on clean foods, I am really bad for making “exceptions” that allow me to baby my sugar addiction.  I’m fairly consistent when it comes to things like bread; I am a meticulous label-reader of packaged foods, and I refuse to buy anything for my home pantry or refrigerator that doesn’t meet my strict guidelines.
Out of the house, however, I seem to turn a blind eye to Starbucks pastries, the bakery counter at Sunterra, and the occasional impulse buy.  Our errand-day planning has gone to hell, and my kids have had more than their share of fast-food lunches lately.  In my defence, we have made decent choices if we are at a food court, but that still doesn’t excuse much…
So the time has come to cash in on one of my most-feared tasks on the List of 101 in 1001: remove all refined (white) flours and sugars from my diet for one month.  From April 4 to May 3, 2011, I will not be eating any refined or added sugars or flours.  
Now, the general rule is less than 3g of sugars per serving to be considered “sugar-free”.  My biggest at-home concern is the meals I made at my last big cook.  The lasagna noodles have 3g of sugar per serving, so that’s okay.  I’m not sure about the chicken dishes; the one has an orange ginger dressing and whole cranberry sauce, so I’m sure that it is over the line.  The other dish is a mixture of stir-fry sauces.  I guess, for the sake of financial responsibility, I just hope that Leith cooks those on the Tuesday and Thursday nights that I teach…?
By biggest concern in general is my lack of self-control 😉  I need to be ruthless about this when I am out of the house.  RUTHLESS.  My coffee is safe because I don’t put sugar or sweetener in it.  Lunch is what will kill me: Sunterra Market is just a few stores down from our studio and it has been the death of my diet.  Lunches will need to come from home, complete with snacks, to keep me away from there.
I won’t lie: I don’t feel 100% confident about this venture.  It is going to be a lot of work to stay within my parameters so that I can comfortably say I’ve completed the task.  Sugar is probably the biggest pitfall in my diet, so this is a much-needed change.  I won’t lie, either: the weight loss that is typically associated with these changes is a perk I’m looking forward to.  While I love my body and my curves, I know that I should be about 10lbs lighter for health benefits.  I also know that it’s my sweet tooth that has kept me up here, despite my gruelling teaching schedule.
The best part will be replacing all the junky habits with some real, whole foods again.  I miss my chock-full vegetable and fruit days.
Now repeat after me: Sugar is not a food group.
Sugar is not a food group.
Sugar is not a a food group…
Sugar is not
Sugar…?  Sigh… Wish me luck!