Fully loaded Gratitudes

Wow. What a week!!
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(What wonderful alliteration!!)
*2 happy bugz, eating their Eggos and strawberries in happy silence :o)
*That only one tree snapped in our yard (way over in the slough) in the insane windstorm last night!
*10 minutes in the driver’s seat of a Bentley:

*All the times that the bugz have leaned in to see what fell between their high chairs and conked heads!! LOL!! Twice the entertainment, every day 🙂 🙂
*The incredible, awesome power that is Constance! She hauled me, Sherrie, Andy, & 4 full-size car seats to Costco AND picked up a full load of groceries. That’s right.
*Finally being able to find acoustic versions of 3am by matchbox twenty and Poker Face by Lady Gaga, and finding my iPod charger so I can listen to them on the go!!
*Realizing that Kit-kat is saying, “Fork!” and not what I thought she was saying. Whew!!
*Ducks, eagles, and the awesome power of John C Maxwell!! Wow, wow, wow… Oh, and 2nd row seats for the entire thing! 2nd row, centre.
*Thursday in general, but especially for web technology that allows me to tune in to work AND be home with my bugz. What an amazing job!
*Taking an opportunity at the Sawmill, and getting over my fears. One baby step at a time!
*Can I just pause for a moment and give a shout out to my amazing team at work??
*An afternoon coffee date with Julia, at a critical moment in my life!
*A request for another photo shoot! Yaa!!!
*A good lesson on rational versus irrational thought patterns, and learning about how we think in a physiological sense. Wake-up call.
*An awesome visit with Sku, and the safe recovery of hidey-pants Chinook!!
*Booking our (incredibly cheap!) trip to Victoria, for some much needed R&R!
*Finding a stainless steel, step-lid garbage can at Superstore for only $27.99!
Have a great week!!

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