
I love living in the country, but I HATE our rural internet provider.

I pay top-dollar for our connection, and it’s shoddy at best. I am always slack-jawed when I visit my parents, and pages load at the snap of my fingers. But the worst is when we try to use our Apple TV.

This is what I wanted to do today:

  1. Get up
  2. Use my Apple TV to home-share my already downloaded copy of Jillian Michaels’ 30-Day Shred
  3. Maybe have time to run before the bugs get up

This is what I DID do today:

  1. Got up
  2. Screwed around with the Apple TV, reset our internet connection twice, started waiting 21 minutes for a 29-minute show (that was already downloaded!!) to load
  3. Screwed around more while the Apple TV screen froze, rebooted everything, commenced waiting another 21 minutes, decided to start my run instead
  4. Had the Apple TV say that The Shred was loaded, start workout, have it switch to “buffering” after the first 3 minutes
  5. Started my run over again while the stupid show “buffered”. Seriously, is there any word more visibly annoying than buffering???
  6. Had my kids wake up, thus interrupting all running and working out

I know you may be thinking, “Why doesn’t the personal trainer just do her own workouts? Why did she spend $9.99 on the DVD of a person she cannot stand??”

While those are very good questions (answer: I’m too lazy right now, I want to be spoon-fed instead of creative…), the more important question is this:

IF I’VE ALREADY DOWNLOADED A TV SHOW, SHOULDN’T I JUST BE ABLE TO WATCH IT??? And even if it does stream, why is it that I can stream Netflix easily, but NOTHING on my Apple TV will stream??

Why? Why, for the love of the internet-gods, why??

Why am I spending $65/month on internet that shuts downs 2+ times a day and can’t stream a tv show, let alone a movie rental?

And why is this even important? It’s not. It’s just that I really, really, REALLY was looking forward to doing this this morning, and instead I got to experience a touch of rage and 3 minutes of pushups/squats/shoulder presses.

And now I am sad 😦


**quick edit: Let me also add that I out-geniused myself and though, “Hey! I’ll just play it on my iPad/iPhone!” …which was great, until I discovered for some reason that all my playlists are empty thanks to “home sharing”. Thank goodness I found that out before I was standing backstage at a dance competition tomorrow night!!