Love is a battlefield


I feel like the worst parent ever.

Today, I have yelled more times about more things than I care to believe.

I’ve yelled about placemats, milk, table manners.

I’ve yelled about pee, both child and dog.


I’ve yelled about chasing the dog. I’ve yelled at the dog.

I’ve yelled about getting dressed, brushing teeth, brushing hair, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE STOP JUMPING ON THE COUCH.

I’ve yelled so much that I’ve actually gagged on my own voice and had to step out into the cool air of the sunporch to compose myself.

I’ve sent children to their rooms more times than they are years old. I’ve locked the dog in her kennel, and she hasn’t whimpered once.

I’m coming down from a great weekend, but an exhausting and busy one. One where I didn’t get to spend any time with my kids, and now they are acting out. C-boo has peed herself FOUR times today. Four. The dog has had more accidents than I can count. The only peace I’ve had today was when I sent them downstairs to watch TV for a bit, only to find that they’d eaten chunks out of my foam roller. We’ve been fighting with each other since the moment they woke up, feeding off each other’s anger, and I am DONE.

I am so done with today. My temper is past its maximum, and I’m tired. I’m throwing out my to do list and curling up on my couch. I’m making my kids lunch, and then we are having a nap because I am done.

I love getting time to myself, but not at this price. We are all out of whack, and it makes me sick and sad 😦

Today’s fights aren’t worth it. I need some reiki love, because today sucks.

Earthly problems

I have a bit of a problem on my hands.

These are my seeds on April 9th:

2 salad mixes, 2 lettuces, 2 spinaches, 2 peas, zucchini, butternut squash, tomatoes, watermelon...oh my!!

Since then, they have just. kept. growing. They’re now threatening to put on a production of Little Shop of Horrors.

Minus the human-eating….

So, my question is this:


I love my garden, but I’ve always been a buy-seedlings kind of girl. The year I went for broke and planted seeds right into the garden, I got a handful of carrots and some crazy lettuce. Oh, and 9 potatoes total. This year, I decided to start my own seeds in the little Jiffy domes with the peat pellets, thinking, “Oh, it’s early April. I’ll be good to go until May long weekend…they say to start these ones early! They probably won’t even be ready til June!!

Who’s the fool now??


So what do I do? Do I transplant 96 peat pellet seedlings into bigger containers? Do they need anything else? WHAT DO I DO?? I’ve never successfully grown anything from scratch, and I don’t want them to die. I even have tomatoes and watermelons.

(The peppers won’t sprout. Snobs.)

What do I do? Please, please flood my comments with suggestions. I live near Edmonton – there’s no way I can plant them outside right now, is there?


April’s challenge

I pondered aloud to Twitter last night about a new challenge. I love having little mini goals each month, be it going sugar-free, chopping my internet usage, or living without Starbucks. 

Yes, I am also the kind of person who fills notebooks with meaningless lists…

But whatever. I like having my little goals to focus on. They don’t need to turn into habits, or change my life forever. Sometimes, it’s just nice to have something manageable but challenging to work on.

The thing is, I’m pretty happy in my life right now. There’s not a lot I want to change or try. I’m very comfortable and satisfied, and it’s quite lovely after a year of drama…! So I decided that the best thing I can do for my next challenge is to keep taking care of myself, and when it boils down, there is one thing that I really need to be consistent about:


Not just being active, but actually training. I have a half marathon coming up in June, and while I’m halfway through my training, I have taken over 6 weeks off. Our Mexico trip threw me off course, and then I injured myself. I’m finally feeling good again, so it’s time to start training again! Back to walking, back to yoga, back to 5k runs and long runs. So here’s the challenge:

30 days of exercise

30 days. Like The 30-Day Shred, but not at all. Because, you know, I like to do things safely and properly…although truth be told, one of these months, I’m going to borrow that DVD from someone and actually try it from a professional viewpoint…but I digress.

30 days of structured activity, not just active living. EVERY day has to include one of the following:

  • 60 min walk
  • 5k run
  • Bikram yoga class, or
  • long run

Every day. Just like I was doing in November, December, January, February…

Every day.

Plus our daily walk to the mailbox, all the gardening that’s about to start, and the ballet class I teach. You know, the regular daily activity 😉

And my reward at the end of 30 days?? This:

image from Google images

A TRX Suspension Trainer. I’ve wanted one for years, but haven’t been able to justify spending $190. Thus, if I check off every day for 30 days, I am going to march my butt into Edmonton and buy myself one.

It will look so pretty next to the treadmill I’ve convinced Leith to let me buy with our tax refund dollars 😉

Freemotion 750. It has DECLINE options!


I’ve noticed something since I quit working to be a full-time mom: there are a lot of moms out there who make it seem like they do a lot of stuff with their kids. Some are super crafty, others are into the education game, and others just do a lot of stuff. For four years, I’ve felt like I should be doing more with my kids and yet we never seem to really do anything.

Case in point: my kids have been playing together for over 3 hours today. Downstairs, or in their room. Far away from me. Completely independent of my supervision. It’s like I’m only here in case of emergency. I’m a red fire-alarm: break in case of fire.

Of course we do things. We go for a walk almost every day and then play outside. I don’t let them play freely outdoors if I’m not with them, since we’re on 4 acres of unfenced, treed land and I haven’t successfully implanted them with invisible fence trackers… They come with me to get groceries. We go to Little Beans or Cafe O Play once or twice a week. I take them to swimming lessons and dance class. But other than that??

We don’t do much.

If they ask for a craft, I’ll let them explore the craft cupboard on their own. GLITTER FOR ALL!! If they ask to bake something, we do. If they bring me a book, I read it. I make sure they get dressed before supper time, and wash their faces and brush their teeth. Sometimes they help me vacuum.

But we really don’t DO much.

Even as a mom to newborns, I wasn’t a structured parent. The most I did was feed on a 3-hour schedule because, let’s face it: there were two hungry critters begging for boobies. It was schedule, or let my skin grow into the fabric of my glider. But we didn’t do baby signing, or tummy time, or anything developmental. Heck, I kept my kids off the ground as much as possible for fear that they would learn to move 🙂 Despite my best efforts, they did learn to sit, crawl, walk, run, and talk back.

Nowadays, my girls have vivid imaginations without my involvement. They sing and dance and play together. They fight and cry together. Occasionally, I call them to the table for food. More often then not, they don’t want to eat lunch because they’d rather play.

I make no excuses. My husband knows I have it pretty easy most days. Of course there are hairy, tantrum-filled days. The bugz are four! But I can’t say I have it hard. He goes to work. My kids watch themselves. I blog and play with my puppy and clean my house a little. It’s a pretty charmed life.

Our life is one big ball of free play.

So when I sit here, not having directly parented my kids for over 3 hours, I start to wonder: am I screwing something up? Or is this relaxed lifestyle just what we need? Am I fostering independence by letting them make their own day-to-day time table, or am I hampering their ability to transition into the “real world” full of clocks and deadlines?

Or is it all just a farce? A facade? Are there actually stay-at-home moms out there that are really doing lots of stuff with their preschoolers every day?? Is every day organized (to a degree), with structured time for learning, playing, crafts, TV, outside play…?

What are your thoughts? Is this lazy parenting, or am I just going with the flow? Is this the parental equivalent of unschooling? Where do you draw the line in your own house? Do you really do it all, or do you just like to pin lots of kids’ activities to your Pinterest boards?

What do YOU do all day at home?

This n that

I’ve been very delinquent in my blogging lately… I supposed that’s a good thing, because it means I’ve been busy living life away from this box 😉

But in the spirit of catching up:

  • We drove to Regina for Easter. It was our first trip since the bugz were 4 months old. They were great the whole way there (thanks to their DVD players), really well-behaved while we were visiting, and almost angelic for the 10 hour drive home! They didn’t even crack their DVD players open, and not a teaspoon of Gravol was administered!!
  • My grampa taught me to soft-boil eggs. I’m now addicted. I could eat a dozen at a time…!
  • I threw out my gluten-free diet this weekend, and paid dearly. I was uncomfortable, but damn! It was tasty 🙂
  • My seedlings are all up, in a bad way. Ummm…what do I do with them now?? It’s only mid-April!
  • I filed my taxes! Woohoo!! Thank you, refund gods.
  • My bugz are on a serious independence streak…they’ve been playing downstairs for over an hour, leaving me with nothing to do. They don’t want me to play. Fine, then.
  • I’ve got Shutterfly orders arriving in the mail, and another order to put in, thanks to the 101 free prints in my email inbox this morning!! I’m actually doing something I said I would – amazing!!
  • This week marks getting back on the treadmill – literally. My knee is feeling better, and I need to get back to my long runs. I should be up to 15k this weekend, but I’m aiming for only 12-13k. Daily walks and runs are key to staying on track, and I fell off that track big time!
  • I have at least 2, if not 3 recipes to post over at MagzD Gluten-free. This isn’t the only place I’ve been slacking! I also have a post to write for The Princess and the Pee, but I keep neglecting that too.

And because I hate all-text posts (and write them far too often…!), here’s a smattering of photos 🙂

I let the bugz free-play. They took it to mean "DUMP ALL THE GLITTER!!!"
This made the glitter mess a bit better...
I moved my computer out of the office and into the useless nook...which is now less useless!!
Gracie peed on my floor mat before we'd even left Edmonton. I gave her to Kit-kat...
C-boo...being, well, C-boo
Gracie actually perks her ears up when you sing the Batman song to her 🙂
Kit-kat and Bumpa indulged in a pre-Easter dinner nap
We tried to get a good Easter picture...and failed
The bugz spent the better part of the weekend riding up and down Bumpa's "magic staircase"
95lb Dobie, wearing beads...poor Cairo

March: a month in review

Oh, what a month March was! I am still shaking my head that we are 2 days into April already…

Highest highs, a few bumpy lows, and lots of wonderful growth this spring: