Wednesday randomness…

*I’m actually starting to Tweet more than Facebook … I think it helps that I have more friends on Twitter than before, so someone is actually reading my tweets, ha ha 😉

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*Now that the dust has settled in my life (literally!!), it’s time to move my business and work into high gear. I have some major goals that I want to accomplish in the next 3 months, so I’d love my friends and family to support me in any way they can. Xoxo…
*Speaking of dust, I still haven’t done the 2nd coat of mud on the kitchen wall … and I haven’t painted the wall going downstairs. 3 weeks til our acreage-warming!!
*I now have FOUR photo shoots booked for the fall! Yesssss!! It’s been a long time, and I am really looking forward to shooting something other than my own children and house :o)
*I can’t get an iPhone 😦 Well, at least not until Telus gets their new 4G network up sometime next year. I keep telling Leith to work harder on those installs, but I don’t think my priorities and his are all that aligned. Boo. It’s $640 to buy out of my current contract to move to Rogers/Fido. I guess I can wait…
*Speaking of phones, none of the numbers on Leith’s phone work! So, unless you’re in his address book, he ain’t callin’ you!
*My baby sister is cutting my hair today for the first time!! I am so excited 🙂 🙂 Her boss (?) is coloring it tomorrow, IF I can find a sitter … my stand-bys are ALL busy!
*I’m getting ready to knock a BIG goal off my list of 101 in 1001! By big, I mean expensive, not hard-to-come-by. But still! It’s one that I wasn’t sure if it would be realistic in my given timeframe…
*Thinking back on it, four photo shoots really means I deserve a d5000. Just sayin’.
*The bugz are going for their 18-month shots tonight. I am taking them by myself. Pray for me??
*Quick shout-out to Mama Sherrie for babysitting late last night for me. It’s so good to have good friends to help out 🙂
*We fiiiiiiinally got our renovation draw from the bank, so today I am wiping out $35,000 in credit card debt in one fell swoop! Yessss! Too bad they could just tack on an extra few thousand to get rid of my student loan…

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