Pretty pink and sparkly Gratitudes

Sorry.  I’m in a good mood today, and it seems to have spilled onto my computer…
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*for the sweet sounds  of my babeez singing each other to sleep for their morning nap today, instead of screaming bloody murder at me
*for my Grampa’s 76th birthday yesterday!
*for the safe arrival of our new nephew/cousin Dante Ottavio Guiseppe 
*for Grampa Rocky, coming to swimming lessons yesterday!  We had lots of fun, even if he poured a bucket of water over my head 🙂
*for finally finishing my student’s jazz solo … now to finish their group dance!
*that Baby T survived being baby sat by us 🙂  Ooh, and grateful that Sherrie is finally done reading ‘Twilight’ so that we can go to the movie this week!!
*that I was able to run and bike as much as I did last week, even though I was icky-sicky
*for our wonderful pediatrician’s clinic.  The nurses always call back promptly to answer questions, and they have managed to fit us in last-minute twice now!
*for 2 calmer nights.  I am trying something different in hopes of weaning the girls off their nighttime feedings and into the land of sleeping-through-the-night.  I am “scheduling” their feedings every 3 hours after I put them to bed, whether they wake up or not.  It has resulted in more sleep for me.  They still wake up once or twice other than their “feeding times” but they are quickly soothed and returned to bed.  My hope is that they will learn from this that they CAN go back to sleep without freaking out/nursing, and then I will gradually wean them off the night feedings as well… Wish me luck!

One thought on “Pretty pink and sparkly Gratitudes

  1. I just finished Twilight…OMG I love! I never thought I would, but there’s just something about it. I’m reading New Moon now. I haven’t seen the movie yet either…is it in the cheap theatre now?

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