Random Thursday!

Everyone seems to be playing a game of “Random” in blogland today!
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6 Random Things about Me:
1.  I found a mystery recipe in a stash of old emails from about 4 years ago.  All it said was 1c sugar, 1 c peanut butter, 1 egg; mix well, drop by spoonfuls onto a baking sheet; bake at 350 for 18 minutes.
Surprise!  Peanut butter cookies!
2.  I really had to force myself to become a “runner”.  It did not come naturally.  I had run on occasion throughout high school (not, despite what my parents say, for the opportunity to stop at the Mohawk), ran a couple 5k relays.  I even did the 2000 Resolution run!  But it was only in late 2006 that I really got bit by the running bug.
3.  It drives me crazy when people jump their turn at a 4-way stop.  Ditto for people who can’t use a traffic circle properly.
4.  I don’t worry as much as I used to.  You’d think that with 2 babeez, I would have much more to worry about, but they have relaxed me!
5.  I tried to be a vegetarian in high school.  Lyndsay felled that plan by offering me a cheeseburger when I was starving one day.
6.  I am terrified about my duathlon in June.  I wish my dad could compete along with me so that I would have someone to guide me through the day-of things that I don’t know about – like where to put my bike, and will someone steal my helmet, and what if they all laugh at me for riding a mountain bike??
Despite one scary buyer-to-be, I have sold *almost* all of my babeez’ outgrown toys.  We sold both swings, one bouncer, and one pack ‘n play.  We still have another bouncer and another pack ‘n play.  I haven’t listed the 2 exersaucers or the Bumbos because we still use them a bit.  When it is all said and done, I hopefully will have $400 towards the $600 needed for new car seats!  I also have a moving box full of clothes to take to the 2nd hand store, if I ever had a free afternoon 😉
Take a minute to drop by Confessions of a CF Husband.  They continue to be a source of hope and inspiration to me.  Their daughter was born at 24+ weeks and celebrated her 1st birthday this month.  Mom Tricia received a double lung transplant, and survived cancer last year.  They will make you believe in God and His miracles.
We are at 10% of our preemie clothing goal!  We have 2 full outfits from my friend Tanya, 2 full outfits from my mom’s co-worker Sheila, and $75 in cash donations!!  Thank you to my (former) client Gail and to my Gramma 🙂

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